Proud Mummy
Well done you look fabxxx
I'm feeling pretty good
Well done you look fabxxx
Firstly well done on the loss, you look fab.
The pics are lovely he's such a cutie.
Hope your V day improved xx
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Just calling in to say 'Hi!!! and Remember me??'
We used to chat a lot Kirsty, especially regarding getting to target!
You have done so well losing your baby weight, I only hope I can too when the time comes!
I'm only 7 weeks pregnant so still early stages and not many people know yet - No parents or family. I really wanted to lose a few pounds to get into target but this second baby is doing strange things to my body already!
I will subscribe to see how you're doing. xxx
Hello everyone.
I stopped coming on mini's simply cos everyone else to seem to have disappeared and I got bored of it lol.
But I thought I'd check in and update you all-
I'm really well, this is my 4th week back at work, it's going well, really enjoying it and always look forward to my weekends with Oliver even more now
I'm now 4lbs away from target, which I'm hoping to get before Easter, which gives me 2 weeks!!
Oliver is now crawling!!!
He did is property for the first time yesterday at my Mum's and hasn't stopped since lol! He's so fast!
So the stair gates have gone up and the dogs are now scared lol!!!
He stands up very well, is working on pulling himself up as well....
Really loves his food, he's started to lose interest in his milk now so he's having 3 meals a day, snacks and at least 2 bottles if he wants them.
Lots of calcium (good job he loves yogurt!) for him!
He's almost 10 months old now, can't believe we're now starting to plan his first birthday already :-/
Some photos xx