Kirsty's pregnancy and new Mummy diary- from 30 weeks onwards!

My before and after photo, a difference of 4 stone!!! Lost 1.5 stone just thru having Oliver, the rest with SW :)


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Latest photos of Oliver x


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Looking fab Kirsty well done chick

Oliver is gorgeous he's growing so quick!! X

Thanks :)

Yeh first birthday end of next month :eek:!!!
Oliver and his 'girlfriend' Abigail on their lunch date at Colchester Zoo today xx

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Happy Easter! X

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Been ill with gastroenitus so didn't go to group today but my scales are showing a STS so I'm happy with that x
Hello everyone!!
Woohoo welcome back, so happy that Mini's is back

Lots to update you all on, prob going to start up a new diary as well, which I'll post the link for.
But for now, just going to find you all again and have a look around ❤️
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So Oliver is now 18 months old :eek:
I can't believe how quickly time is going....
He started walking at 16 months and now runs and climbs :rolleyes:
Talks loads.... A proper little boy now, nothing baby like about him at all :(
Shall post a selection of photos xxx


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On the diet front, well I got to target just before Easter this year... I really struggled with maintaining for the first few months, spending a lot of time hovering around the top end of my target range and often slipping out!!
June was a particularly horrendous month, I finished the month 10lbs above my target :eek:
But with my holiday to Greece in August, I knuckled down and went on holiday 11lbs lighter then I ended June!
A small expected gain from my holiday and I knuckled down again and I finally got down to the bottom of my target range (3lbs under) in October and I've been maintaining it ever since :D
I generally have a few days off plan followed by a few days on plan and it seems to be evening itself out nicely.
I transferred to a Wednesday evening group run by the same consultant, as I wanted an evening to myself once a week, I've basically been struggling big time with my depression and anxiety and one step in helping myself was to make time for myself.
Long involved story but after months and months of back and forth to the doctor for various things, I was finally prescribed anti-depressants. Been on them for about 6 weeks now and I can honestly say I've never been happier. :D:D

Still married to Paul, we've had our moments but I'd be lost without him :)
Hi Kirsty

Good to see you again :) glad you got sorted at docs and that the meds seem to be working.
Well done on maintaining - unfortunately im starting fresh after xmas. Due to one thing and another ive gained all my weight back. Was off work from July - Oct with depression and comfort ate big time :mad:
So until Jan im just plodding on x
Hi Kirsty

Good to see you again :) glad you got sorted at docs and that the meds seem to be working.
Well done on maintaining - unfortunately im starting fresh after xmas. Due to one thing and another ive gained all my weight back. Was off work from July - Oct with depression and comfort ate big time :mad:
So until Jan im just plodding on x
Oh no you poor thing :(
If I remember correctly, a lot of bad stuff kept happening to your family?
So it's no wonder you've been suffering with depression.... Depression and comfort eating was how I ended up on Slimming World the first time round...
Sending hugs :) x
Aww bless you :(
Just get back to it when you are ready- no point trying if your head isn't in the game x
Lol yeh you just get to th point when you've had enough!!
Morning all :)

We are going to Lowestoft today to meet up with my auntie, uncle and cousins for a spot of lunch and a nice walk with the doggies :D x
Lovely day, all that sea air makes me so tried tho lol :)
Oliver did loads of walking today so he went to bed early tonight and is sound asleep right now...
Will attach a lovely photo from today, of my boys together x


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A photo attached of Oliver wearing my glasses, cheeky monkey :rolleyes:


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A nice lazy day with my boys.... That's what Sunday's are all about for us these days... Family time ❤️
Oliver is going to my parents next weekend as its Paul's Xmas works do on the Saturday night so party time :D:p
Hope everyone is well and hopefully all of you will be back on here soon x