If I decide to start another blog I'll be sure to let you know so you can follow it and laugh at my antics.
Today's weight is 10.0 3/4 That is the same weight as this time last week. That means I have a whole 3 days before my next meal and therefore I may stand a chance of loosing a bit more before I have to come out of ketosis and gain that 4lb glycogen weight again. So it's taken me 3 days to shift it, which means I'll have 6 days to go between this next meal and Christmas Day to loose the next gain. I wish they'd let me start this diet sooner as I could have been at target by now and not have all this messing about. If it wasn't for the fact I've not been out in ages and have actually been looking forward to these nights out then I would have just stuck to the diet and been done with it, but in guess I have plenty of time after Christmas to loose the extra stone. You never know, depending on how it goes between these meals I might not have a full stone left to loose come Jan.
Went out with my cousin shopping today. Turns out babies have an accessory supplied with them called a buggy, which has store age space under it, so I didn't have to carry many bags

The other plus to this is you can ram into people's ankles with it and they don't punch you or swear incase they upse the baby. They mostly just lump out of the way muttering through gritted teeth. Awesome. Had a hot chocolate at Costa, so logged that on my fitness pal and missed a shake out. Bought a new Wonder. Bra strapless bra being as my others are now loose round my middle and I went and bought my jumper for yesterday again in a different colour. Thanks for being excited about my jumper Tam, however although the label says size 6 I don't think it really is. It is a jumper after all so there's plenty of space in there for a bit of movement so to speak. I bought a dress from a charity shop which is labelled as a 10 and can't quite do it up. I must be about a size 11 right now, lol. Not sure if I will be able to do it up though as I'm not sure I have 3 inches left on my ribs to loose :S May need to get in touch with Prince (or the artist formally known as, or symbol or whatever the hell he's calling himself these days) and ask for the name of his surgeon that removed some of his ribs as I reckon that's the secret to loosing those 3 inches. will put it away and try again once I'm down to 9 stone and see what happens. It's a lovely black gown which could be used for pretty much any occasion as it's simple and elegant (and not like me at all) and has a under skirt which can be seen in one side as the top skirt is cut to an angle and the under skirt has pretty flowers embroidered on in black, so it's subtle. And most importantly - it's black. I think it's a go to dress for weddings, funerals, christenings, New Years parties, birthdays, Baftas, bar mitzvahs, cult initiations and red carpet events.
Bought a micro chip cat flap today. Fed up of keep coming home to find other cats in my house terrorising my two. I haven't caught the little bugger that beat my girl up in the kitchen last night as yet, but if I do he's gonna get sprayed with water. I figured getting my two chipped for Christmas (not sure it's on their Santa list but they'll thank me later) and getting a chip activated door is probably more humane than setting up a motion sensor mounted machine gun. Or a taser. We're hoping to be allowed those at work but if we get them I reckon it'll be less than 15 minutes before I need new batteries in mine. I'd end up getting suspended for zapping everyone who pissed me off, which is on average at least 17 people a day. Imagine how busy my local A&E would be if they actually issued me with a taser.
Went out for my friends birthday tonight. god I could have used a taser in there. It would have been easier to tolerate if I'd been drunk, but I opted to not drink and stick to the diet cokes. Gah, my mate doesn't half like hanging out in this dive of a bar. I think it's because he used to pull grannies in there on a regular basis and now he's got a girlfriend he's forgotten to change bars. It's karaoke on a Sat and full of idiots. Actually I think it's full of idiots every night and not just Saturdays, but being as I usually try and avoid the place like it's toxic I have no real evidence to base this assumption on. Unfortunately the clientele don't get better behaved with age either. It's not exactly a classy place as the only reason we don't refer to it as a spit and sawdust bar is they can't afford the sawdust. last week when we were dragged there it hadn't even got to 10pm and someone had been forcefully ejected and someone else had been sick up the interior wall, the carpet, the door and then the pavement. The doorman spent about 20 mins hosing the place down and wiping the walls and door handles. This week I nearly got into 3 separate fights with idiots who think it's perfectly acceptable to touch strangers, harass someone because they are ordering a water or in the case of this stupid child (I call her a child on the basis she's young enough for me to have babysat) that thought it would be funny to stand infront of me taking the piss out of me when I had drinks in my hands because I had to wait for her to get out the way. She then proceeded to stand making gangsta hand motions at me from behind my friend, as if that's going to stop me. I'll happily go through, over or around him and belt her if I'd have to. she eventually wandered off and didn't come back near us which is just as well as being sober and forced into a bar that makes my skin crawl my temper was running very short and I have a job to maintain where it's not the done thing to go round curb stomping people on a night out. Or days out for that matter.
On a lighter note: My pee sticks are getting darker so I think that I must be one of the rare people that is borderline ketosis at 50gs of carbs as yesterday I had 36 or so carbs and was light pink, so today I think I managed to stay at 26g (assuming the costa hot chocolate was indeed the same as the one I logged) so hoping tomorrow I'll be purple on that stick.