I had a bit of a blow out last night and indulged my inner pig. I ate sweets, crisps, chocolates and had some cider and baileys. This appears to have confirmed my thoughts that I wasn't in ketosis originally as I've not gained anything (IE water weight from glycogen filling up) today, Infact this afternoon I was the exact same weight as yesterday so therefore i think I'll end up hovering around 9.13/10.1 over the next 24 hours whilst I indulge in Christmas dinner.
Apart from pop tarts for breakfast I've not eaten anything else today as yet. I decided to have one as on short notice (eg walking out the door late for work again) I realised the only thing at work I could have for breakfast was my porridge, which I didn't want to waste today as I need it for when I'm back on my plan, so had to think fast and I have a cupboard full of American pop tarts so quickly grabbed a pack for today. Not exactly healthy but I'm not really calorie counting again until Boxing Day now.
Going to have chicken enchiladas for tea, as I live the co-op ones and bought a load on the reduced section back as I started my diet so they've been taking up room in the freezer ever since. I didn't do the whole "eating everything up" approach that lots of folk did, instead I started my plan surrounded by food. I'm really not kidding, this is one of the cupboards in my house I've since nicknamed the crap cupboard.
I think I have had enormous self restraint to know all that is there and not just eat my way through it. Granted, now it's got to the stage where yesterday I actually struggled to pick something out of it. I have a drawer in the fridge that's similar, only full of chocolate instead. It doesn't help that my family seem to think nothing of sending food parcels full of chocolate and stuff even when they know I'm dieting.
So anyway, I've been to work today, come home and napped. It was great knowing I haven't really got anything left to do this year now apart from wrap 2 presents which haven't got to be done tonight.
The OH has been out to work and done some shopping. I read that as been into town to pick something up he's forgotten and then gone to the pub with his work mates. He's now sitting cussing at the PC as he decided now is a good time to start re-building it and upgrading software. Can't pick a day when I'm out at work and therefore out of range to avoid listening to his moaning. Ugh.
Roll on Boxing Day so I can get this last bit over with. Oh, I'm thinking of lowering my goal again to about 8.10/8.11. I reckon that's where I'll need to be to be happy with my figure and not freak out at the glycogen gain, which should round me up to about 9 exactly. It feels so nice being able to wear skinny fit clothes. I've found I've not worn my boot cut jeans since hitting the 10 stone mark and discovering I can fit in skinny jeans. It's like I've discovered a whole new wardrobe. I'm also looking forward to the sales, as there's plenty more I can buy yet