My scales were delivered today

took me a while to get them set up as the file on the pc wouldn't work so I had to set them up via my iPad which worked a treat. The only downside is they don't do the .25s of a pound on the display, so if like me you are stuck that the same weight for a few days you cant even tell if it's gone down by even a quarter of a pound. But otherwise they appear to be working fairly well.
The dentist was just a check up today as I sacrificed most of my appointment time for the OH to get a temporary filling put in as he's broken his tooth. And he's going to be costing a small fortune over the next few months as he hates dentists so has let his teeth get to the point where he needs about 6 filling and one taking out. Joy.
I however am having my last 3 silver fillings changed to white ones, which is not desperate as they are all ok at the moment. I've decided to do it for 2 reasons. 1 so I don't have horrible grey bits in photos and secondly because my mum nearly died of mercury poisoning which was linked back to her fillings. So therefore I'd rather not risk it and have mine swapped.
Went shopping again - really must stop soon as I've spent loads on new things this last few months. But today's purchases have made me happy. I've bought some PVC leather look trousers and a jumper. The trousers are a 10 and I decided they would have to do as I doubt I'd get in an 8, not that they had any on the shelves, although they gape ever so slightly at the back, but nothing a belt or a few stitches won't cure. I also bought a gorgeous fluffy jumper but the smallest they had was in a 12, as it's one of the most popular ones in Topshop at the moment and I saw one once, um'd and ah'd about it and watched it leave in someone else's bag and have not seen any more until today. But now I've got it home and tried it on the size 12 looks huge on me which because it's cropped means it actually looks big, not just a case of I'm wearing a baggy jumper. I can't decide what to do about it just yet so will see if I end up wearing it tonight and if not then I'll order one of the few remaining offline and get it delivered to store then take the other one back for a refund. I hate those shops that tell you when something is low stock as I end up buying it on impulse rather than risking missing out.
I decided to buy warm yet nice looking stuff as we are going to a pub tonight but there's a live band in a marquee so although I don't remember it being freezing last year, I'm making sure I have some layers just incase. And as nice as my snow trousers are they might be a little overkill for the pub. And anyone who has ever worn those PVC trousers will know that they keep you warm. So teamed with my knee high boots and a top and possibly a jumper I should be snug enough.
I'm also thinking about driving so I don't have to drink. Although I'm still not convinced I'm back in ketosis so probably could get away with it, I think I'd rather save the messing about trying to get a taxi at god knows what time in the morning when every single taxi firm in the area will have their phones ringing off the hooks from 11pm. I do remember that from last year and ended up getting my mum to come pick us up after trying to get a taxi for over an hour. Seriously there were taxis pulling up for other people and me asking if they could book us one and them refusing telling me to ring their base. I'm trying to get through and it's constantly engaged and you won't just radio through and book one on my behalf nor let me use your radio to do it myself. If it wasn't so far away I'd have walked.