Absolutely fantastic Lainie so pleased for you
and I'm loving your winning atitude to hen x
Thanks Kals
Fab news you, well done. Double well done really, first for the loss then second for leaving the pasta - big hoorah to you xx
I know V, I was quite shocked at myself
Hey sweets, well done on the 3lb off! You've done really well getting back into it, in fact you've made me think I really need to get stricter with myself !!!
I love The Apprentice too! What was that guy Dan like?! Imagine him being your boss, he was a total tosspot :giggle:
Stuart looks like he's going to get on my nerves very quickly too!
Ooohh I really did NOT like Dan!! OH told me to calm down on several ocassions as I was being extremely vocal towards the TV...apparently they cant actually hear me?!?! lol.. yeah I agree, Stuart has a bit of an air of big headedness about him too, reckon ol Lord S is gonna get fed up of him pretty quick...roll on Wednesday is all I can say! lol
What the f<splutters> - Oh my Word!
Massive well done on the loss Lainie, you so deserved that... All the best for next WI, I can sniff these 15's from a mile off, it's yours chicken!
Good to see you are being 100%, aint it lovely when it just clicks.
Have a great Friday and smashing weekend. xxx
Cheers hon

I'm glad to have found the ol' mojo again, feel so much better in myself when I'm sticking to it, hard to understand why I let myself stray too much! lol...
well done for beating the lure of the food!

Cheers hon

Have a lovely weekend xxx
It was a good one

just ended too quickly lol x
Well done Lainie!! Dead pleased for you & really hoping you get to see that 15 next week!
Thanks Nic! I'm certainly hoping so! Would accept hitting 16 on the dot as well tho
Hope you are having a nice start of the weekend!!! xx
Thanks chick
Hi everyone!!
Sorry for absence, I'm still without internet at home, so have spent the weekend once again in miniwithdrawal lol...
Has been a bit of a busy one, hardly even noticed it coming and going lol.. spent most of saturday planning and sorting stuff out for our kids prizegiving on sunday morning. OH abandoned me to the football on sat, how rude lol.. Then had a girlie night with one of my ol friends in the evening which was nice, literally just sat, chatted and dissed everyone on the X factor ha ha...
Sunday was ever so slightly manic, prizegiving service in morning, then we had another kids group in the afternoon, sunday evening me and OH just chilled and watched The Da Vinci Code,
And then back to monday
But I am happy to report that I came in completely within points all weekend (even with the combination yesterday of hopefully-soon-to-be-mother-in-law's roast and a mcdonalds!)

Will get round everyones diaries later , please accept my apologies for lack of hi's!!!!
