Last Person To Post Wins


:D Not till Thursday, so i`ve got a couple of days to annoy you lot on here, just finishing the holiday ironing, 6 wash loads, i`ve got to cut the grass wash the car and wash the windows :D a mans work is never done :D
Allan since your work never seems to be done, you might as well do my lot also...another 4 loads of laundry wont hurt ya will it? while you're doing that, i'll just sit here and polish my crown. muwahwahwah

oh, side note: today is weigh in day...another 5 bites the big one. and i've reached the 50lb milestone..:scale:
to celebrate, i think i'm gonna have a big slab of stodgy chocolate cake, and conveniently it will taste and feel just like a big cup of toffee walnut shake. :silly::silly::silly::silly:
hmmm allan seems to have either given up posting for the moment or he's doing laundry.

whats on your agenda for today mags?
((besides attempting to win the crown?))
Well, when washing finished, get that outside...then I'm going to have a lazy day...probably be on off here most of it. Well until Hubby gets home, he wants to get on with decorating in this office. Gets umpy if I am on PC all the time, think I am in the way!!
How about you?
:D Morning, not another female with delusions of grandure? :p you will never beat me, ( Only if you have a whip) :D But Mrs D is first in line for that one, and yes Carol i have read every post since i have been away. Not much posting going on in two weeks :king2: WINNER!!!

Welcome back Allan darlin'! :D Glad you and Mrs Allan had a great time away. Are you going to show us yer white bits? Or are you a proper 'man' who sunbathes nekkid?! lol ;)

:D Oh i do think so, you cant keep a good man down :D I WIN!!!

Show me a woman who wants to!! ;););)
Yeah I know! This thread was all peace and quiet and niceness 'till he rolled back into town! lol:D:D

Mind you, I've just given him something to think about on the Perfect Man thread! ;):D

:D Hi carol, see i told you i would`nt post while i was away, even though there were computers in the lobby of the hotel, didnt want to waste valuable drinking time :D as for this thread you lot went to sleep whilst i was gone :p I WIN!!!!
You tell him Mags! We managed this thread quite well without Allan didn't we? :D;)

:D Yeh, i read all the posts, No smut, No jokes, No inuendo, no Fun, so i am back to put a ray of sunshine in your lives, Here comes the WINNER!!!!!!! :p :p :p :p