Last Person To Post Wins

LOL..... apparently they are really bad for people with bad backs?! So it wouldn't be any good for me there x:D

:eek:Well there goes my ambition of ever trying one out then Mandi! lol I'll have to make do with my old bed until I can afford a new one then. :D
Me me me me me me meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!! Tra la laaaaaaaa!!

I Win!! :D

:D Sorry to jump in, but i am the the Winner, the bed is fine, not had a road test yet with Mrs G, we got it cos she suffers from a bad back, it has seperate cells in, my side is firm and hers is softer, and it is super kingsize so bags of room :D
:D Sorry to jump in, but i am the the Winner, the bed is fine, not had a road test yet with Mrs G, we got it cos she suffers from a bad back, it has seperate cells in, my side is firm and hers is softer, and it is super kingsize so bags of room :D

:D:D:D:D No, I'm not going to say anything.........................:D
super kingsize and firm ????
Are you bragging again Alan lol