Last Person To Post Wins

oi go away bad penney!!!!!!!!:p :p

:D no, its raining again :mad: i have had 4 days off and it has Peed down every day, so im here for the afternoon, wife and daughter out shopping, luke at work and im chilling watching the footy results :D Oh and winning on here :p
well ive been out this morning and done the shopping and my few bits. so just chilling aswell its warm outside but to breezy to sit out there. have to go start cleaning house now soon. bf gone to mates house
well ive been out this morning and done the shopping and my few bits. so just chilling aswell its warm outside but to breezy to sit out there. have to go start cleaning house now soon. bf gone to mates house

:D Been shopping with lesley this morning, just ironed my uniforms for the week, so much easier with these new black shirts we wear, they dont have to be ironed like the old white ones :D
well arnt ya great!!!!!!!!! :p i hate ironing with a passion actually i never do any only if needs must

:D See the one thing i learned to do well in the army was iron, i can put creasers in things that look smart and will never come out, and i dont do tramlines in shirts or trousers, teaching my kids how to do it properly as well :p
Afternoon :D:D