LauraLoo and baby number 2


I'm feeling great at the mo, practically skipping around. It's a bit weird not to be hobbling around like a 90 year old but it's nice.

Marched around the city centre for 3 hours yesterday, bought myself a few bits for afterwards, was surprised that I could still fit in a size small skirt (was tight over my bump but will be fine when it's gone down a bit), bought a couple of shirts, one a 10 and one a 12. Maybe I'm not as huge other than bump, bum and boobs as I think I am...or maybe I'm in's nice here :D

Think my poor hoody has reached it's limit...


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Congratulations! It's 40 weeks when you're due isn't it? For some reason, I've always thought 38!
Yep yep. Today is my due date, thank you. 40 long weeks :D

Had horrible cramps last night, was just about to wake OH...and then I woke up and it was 7 hours later. Seeing the midwife this afternoon, I hope she has something good to tell me.
Yep yep. Today is my due date, thank you. 40 long weeks :D Had horrible cramps last night, was just about to wake OH...and then I woke up and it was 7 hours later. Seeing the midwife this afternoon, I hope she has something good to tell me.

Woooo happy due date you have made it this far max another two weeks another that sounds bad but its not long at all( bet your sick of hearing that too)! Xxx
Thanks everyone. Just back from a 'successful' sweep. She was able to do it which is better than what I managed last time!
I'm 2cm dilated and she could feel his head and waters. Eek. Feels very real. Definitely been cramping since I had it but I guess only time will tell. Feel a bit emotional. X
How exciting!! Hope it happens soon!! :) xxx
ohhhhh wowzers. gonna be stalking. make sure u update as soon as hes out ok??!!! haha.
so excited for u. please be soon xx

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Still pregnant :(

They let you go 13 days over here so I'm just aiming for that now and telling myself that no matter what I'll have a baby in 11 days...I can do 11 more days...I can...
Aw thought something may of happened you been quiet for a few days!! Course you can do 11 days its just over a week ! Xxxx
Aww I got excited for you for a moment there! I doubt you'll be waiting another 11 days, I could be wrong but I don't think you will.
5 days over :( keep feeling rough, stomach pains, back pains, unbelievable pressure in places I've never felt pressure before...then nothing!! I'm so uncomfortable I could cry. I just want him here, I want to know he's ok and I want to get on with our lives together as a family.

Trying to keep busy. Had a lovely xmassy day Sunday, a friend over last night, not much planned for today, going to clean up, do washing etc to make sure I'm on top of everything, tomorrow is my little girl's parents evening so will be nice if I'm around for that. Then it's Thursday again, my Mum is coming and I'm seeing the midwife for another sweep and at least she'll book me in for an induction so I'll have a date to aim for.

Feel like I'm letting everyone down. Felt really silly taking my little girl to school yesterday still pregnant. My Mum had done the school runs thurs and Fri so I think a lot had assumed I'd had him. OH is being lovely but ever so slightly annoying, I understand he's excited and anxious but I can't do anything without him asking 'is this it?'. NOOOOOO!!

Woe. Is. Me.
awww hun. i really hope it happens soon. flaming due dates. i hate them!!!
it will be soon tho. like u said worse case scenario u know uve got less than a week to go!! sending positive thoughts for u xx

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I'm annoyed with myself for getting annoyed. Very few babies are on time, I know this, he'll be here when he's ready, I know this too...I think I secretly thought he'd be early if anything though. Also gives me chance to get even bigger. Woop!
2nd sweep done. Definite progression so maybe there's still a chance but if all else fails I'm booked in for an induction on Tuesday. At least I'll have my baby next week. X
ooohhh its gotta be soon.... u gotta breast pump?.a little go on that should help things along!! x

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Nothing is working. Nothing!! :(
naughty boy is just too comfortable in there huh!!!
i feel for u hun. Please let it be soon x

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