LauraLoo and baby number 2

Thank you :)

Finally got asked to come in at about 10am on Thursday, was at complete meltdown stage by then. Was monitored for an hour or so then was fully expecting to be sent home again, no one was making it sound like we were staying. Then by 12 I was having my waters broken, it all seemed to happen so quickly after that.
I went from 3-9cms in no time. My contractions were ridiculous though, ended up with the epidural and forceps I'd hoped to avoid. I also had to go straight to theatre once he was out, the placenta got completely stuck. So, not ideal or particularly pleasant but he's here and he's beautiful. All 8lb 6oz of him. He's currently attached to my boob :D
He was born at 8.41pm on thurs the 11th and even after all that we were discharged at about 2.30pm Friday.
Couple more :)


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Aw congratulations, love the name he's beautiful xx

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Aww well hes here now. Safe and totally gorgeous well done u!! Enjoy every second hun. He will be crawling in a blink of an eye. Now rest!!!! Xxx
Many congrats he's gorgeous!! xx
Merry Xmas :)


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Life is good. Tiring but good :)

He's an absolute animal when it comes to the boob though! I swear he's doubled in size this last week :D he even growls at them when he's hungry (just like his Dad, ha, TMI?!)

How are you? Good chrimble? Sober Christmases are a bit weird aren't they? How many weeks are you now?
Life is good. Tiring but good :) He's an absolute animal when it comes to the boob though! I swear he's doubled in size this last week :D he even growls at them when he's hungry (just like his Dad, ha, TMI?!) How are you? Good chrimble? Sober Christmases are a bit weird aren't they? How many weeks are you now?

Lol his made me laugh.

Glad you are enjoying being a mummy of two must be hard with two but lovely at the same time.

He's so beautiful I miss newborn snuggles ! No more for me yet though!! Xx
Lol his made me laugh.

Glad you are enjoying being a mummy of two must be hard with two but lovely at the same time.

He's so beautiful I miss newborn snuggles ! No more for me yet though!! Xx

It's really lovely seeing Mia with him. I never intended for there to be such a big age gap but I actually think it's a really good one. She's not shown any signs of jealousy, she wants to help, she 'looks after' him for me and obviously with her being at school I get time to breathe during the day so it never feels like too much...early days though :D

Newborn snuggles are the best. He's asleep on me now, I should be doing stuff but I don't want to put him down. X
Ahhhh haha thats funny!!!
I am 19 and a bit weeks now! Going slowly lol! But im in no rush! About 10lb heavier tho! Think all thats come on in the last week :(
January back to eating healthily and excercise altho i have horrible spd already so painful!
My best friend had a xmas day baby!!!

My scan is the 12th but no peeking at genitles!!
Bet time is flying for u now! Xx
Oooh you're nearly half way already.

I've massively over indulged the last week too. It's been fun though. I'm with you on the healthy eating, I'm actually craving fruit and veg.
He's absolutely adorable!! How's he doing? Settling OK?
Thank you. Yeah he's lovely. Constantly feeding and not so great with the sleeping but when he's this cute it doesn't matter


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