LauraLoo and baby number 2

this is what I was like with Amelia :( x I do feel for you, its horrible waiting xx

You do know you dont have to be induced of you dont want to be :) x they can just monitor you hun if you didnt want induction? x

I was induced last time and for this baby I've said no to induction and will just be monitored if I'm overdue again x

Hope baby decides to come soon for you xxx
As much as I wanted to avoid an induction this time round I'm ok with it happening on Tuesday. He's posterior like my little girl was so there's a chance we'd struggle with the last bit without help anyway. It's looking like I'm just a bit of a funny shape inside.
Plus I'm uncomfortable and a bit sick of the false starts. I do feel like my body is ready this time so I'm hoping for it to be relatively quick and straight forward...still tonight and tomorrow to go though so who knows :)
As much as I wanted to avoid an induction this time round I'm ok with it happening on Tuesday. He's posterior like my little girl was so there's a chance we'd struggle with the last bit without help anyway. It's looking like I'm just a bit of a funny shape inside.
Plus I'm uncomfortable and a bit sick of the false starts. I do feel like my body is ready this time so I'm hoping for it to be relatively quick and straight forward...still tonight and tomorrow to go though so who knows :)

aw glad you are ok with it :) I wasnt sure so thought I'd mention the extra monitoring - you probably know all about it anyway! lol x

Exactly, hopefully he decides to move before tues :) xx

Good luck hun!! xx
Yeah thank you :) there was part of me that wanted to refuse or at least wait a bit longer but there's another part of me that's half convinced my body can't do the last bit on it's own anyway. Pretty sure Mia would still be in there now and she's 5 next month :D
I've been so lucky with both of my pregnancies, they've been so straight forward it's just getting them out that I seem to struggle with.

I wanted to be hardcore like Lil Mumma this time :D
Bleugh. Woke up at 3 choking on acid, had to be sick, not been back to sleep yet...this, I will not miss.
OH has just left for work, trying to decide whether or not to get up or attempt to sleep. I'm desperate for a can of coke, it's all I can think about!!

Also, had about 5 regular and quite intense contractions last night, really thought something was happening. No!

So, 11 days over, being induced tomorrow, big day of shopping, cleaning and organising ahead...woo hoo :D
Aw well what ever happens today it wont be longer then tomorrow it is frustrating waiting!! Something i didn't think about pop a thank you card n chocolates maybe in your hospital bag then you do t have to bother sending someone to gift shop ! Looks like you have lots to keep you busy today then soon be here x
Good luck for tomorrow!
Thank you :)

Final bump pic. I'm hoooooge.


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Beautiful bump!!! Good luck for tomorrow x cant wait for updates :) xxxx
beautiful bump :)

i will not miss waking up choking on acid either!!! it is horrible!!

good luck for tomorrow - i still have '3'weeks yawwwwwwn x
good luck with your induction. i hope it all goes to plan.
eeekkk your gonna have a brand new baby in your arms. too exciting. xxx

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Lazy boys! Good luck xx

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So far we are having a bit of a nightmare!!

Went in yesterday morning all ready to go, was monitored and examined and was told that I wouldn't need the pessary they could go straight in and break my waters, we just needed to wait for a bed on the labour ward. We thought yay, excellent news...STILL WAITING!!

We were told they would call at any time yesterday but in the unlikely event we'd not heard from them to call at 9am today. Called at 9am, asked to call again at 11am, asked to go in at 1 and take all of our stuff with us etc. was monitored for an hour then told that they just didn't have a midwife to give us. Back home by 4. Asked to call at 6pm. Still nothing. Waiting on a call again with the same instructions to call in the morning if nothing. I honestly have no clue if I'm coming or going. I feel so disheartened. I don't know what's going to happen or when. I'm 14 days over tomorrow. It's just ridiculous :(
So far we are having a bit of a nightmare!!

Went in yesterday morning all ready to go, was monitored and examined and was told that I wouldn't need the pessary they could go straight in and break my waters, we just needed to wait for a bed on the labour ward. We thought yay, excellent news...STILL WAITING!!

We were told they would call at any time yesterday but in the unlikely event we'd not heard from them to call at 9am today. Called at 9am, asked to call again at 11am, asked to go in at 1 and take all of our stuff with us etc. was monitored for an hour then told that they just didn't have a midwife to give us. Back home by 4. Asked to call at 6pm. Still nothing. Waiting on a call again with the same instructions to call in the morning if nothing. I honestly have no clue if I'm coming or going. I feel so disheartened. I don't know what's going to happen or when. I'm 14 days over tomorrow. It's just ridiculous :(

sounds like a nightmare hun and they clearly have no sympathy keep sending u packing!!
hospitals are useless!!! makes me so angry
hope u get some luck tomorrow hun! x
Once you hit 14 days they have to get you in. Don't take no for an answer.
Good luck xx

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Still nothing. Woke OH up with my sobbing at 4am so we came down to watch a film. I'm exhausted. Don't even think I have the energy to have a baby :(
I've been so calm, patient and positive but I've lost it a bit now.
Still nothing. Woke OH up with my sobbing at 4am so we came down to watch a film. I'm exhausted. Don't even think I have the energy to have a baby :( I've been so calm, patient and positive but I've lost it a bit now.

Dont get fobbed off!!! The more over u r the less effective the placenta works. What ridicicilous midwives not putting u first.
Really feel for u hun.good luck xxx
Jonah :)


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He's gorgeous! When was he born? How are you doing?

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