LauraLoo and baby number 2

Thanks. We are so excited. I feel so lucky to have one of each. We started buying straight away, boys clothes are so cute. I want a flat cap for him :D


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At the minute she likes the idea of a brother baby :D but that might be because she really loves her balloon! Oh and she's offered him half of her bedroom and we can paint it blue. She's a cutie. X
20+4 all good in baby land. He's (love being able to say that) super busy in my tum :)

Ugggggh, really need to get a handle on my eating though. I'm not actually getting as hungry as I was before but I've just got in to the bad habit of picking all day. I don't need to do it anymore to keep sickness at bay...I'm just being a pig. I had half a lemon cheesecake yesterday, just because it was nice and it was there! (I should know I can't set foot in Waitrose without buying one!)

So from today I'm going to try really hard not to eat just for the sake of eating. I'm feeling huge and not just in a pregnant way, my face is starting to look like the old me and I don't want that. OH's parents are coming this weekend, they've not seen me since the beginning when I'd not put anything on :( they're going to think I'm a whale!

Right, trying to not let it get to me, not going near the scales, today is a new day. Lots of water, 3 'normal' meals and healthy snacks. I need to get some control back! X
congrats! its a boy!! and glad to hear the scan was all ok - (sorry forgot when i replied - so apologies if I spammed you twice :S)

and loving your bump - picture/avatar! - and omg cant believe you think you look like a whale - you havent seen me eek!! but since you want to eat healthy - good luck on that one! :)
have a great day!
congrats! its a boy!! and glad to hear the scan was all ok - (sorry forgot when i replied - so apologies if I spammed you twice :S)

and loving your bump - picture/avatar! - and omg cant believe you think you look like a whale - you havent seen me eek!! but since you want to eat healthy - good luck on that one! :)
have a great day!

Hiya, thank you! :) how are you getting on? Only a couple of weeks til you have another scan isn't it? I'm sad I won't see him again until he's born now. He was so cute, sucking his thumb and having a good munch on nothing :D
I look bigger in real life, Andy took a picture of me on Saturday and I look like a skinny preggo, I love it :D will have to see if he can send it to me. Even he was like 'well that's weird, you look NOTHING like that'...yeah, cheers! Ha. X
Aw dont be too hard on yourself i really think its what your wearing and how you feel that day. I think i look thinner in a few fitting mat clothes rather than a loose dress. Iv had people mention i look well and haven't put weight on other places which i def have to people saying you will never make it to september being so big!

Im sure you in laws will think you look
Just fine carrying their grandchild x
Aw dont be too hard on yourself i really think its what your wearing and how you feel that day. I think i look thinner in a few fitting mat clothes rather than a loose dress. Iv had people mention i look well and haven't put weight on other places which i def have to people saying you will never make it to september being so big!

Im sure you in laws will think you look
Just fine carrying their grandchild x

Thank you. I'm just trying to do a bit of damage control, it's wayyyy out of hand :) X
So far, so good today.

Bran flakes and banana for breakfast.
Lunch was a small portion of yesterday's pasta and meatballs. Andy made the tastiest sauce, no idea what he put in it though.
Snacks have been grapes and a doughnut peach (they're cute!).
Not sure about dinner. Think I fancy a chicken, salad and humous wrap.
Luckily heartburn means I'm not too hungry today.

I can't stop looking at baby boy stuff online!! This is going to get expensive!! :D X
Yesterday ended well. I was pleased with what I ate. I snacked on fruit and didn't have anything else after my tea. It just took a little thought rather than just shovelling food in. All I can do is aim for another good day :)
Started with apricot wheats. Yum!

People are cute when you are noticeably pregnant. I no longer have to take Mia's stuff upstairs at nursery in the morning, someone always takes it from me and does it for me. Oh and just now in Sainsburys it was suggested that I have a bag for my bottle of milk 'to make it easier'...I think I'll manage all 2 pints :D
Knowing the sex is dangerous. I swear I've done nothing but shop since Friday. Today's haul...


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Ah bless even if I knew the sex I wouldn't buy anything everyone I seem to talk to these days keeps telling me they were told a sex and it came out the opposite sex! But I think that's mainly people who were told girls had boys I haven't heard too many about boys ending up girls lol x
Ah bless even if I knew the sex I wouldn't buy anything everyone I seem to talk to these days keeps telling me they were told a sex and it came out the opposite sex! But I think that's mainly people who were told girls had boys I haven't heard too many about boys ending up girls lol x

Luckily I have all bases covered in clothes and blankets etc, neutral from not knowing what Mia was, girly from going crazy once she was finally here and now boy stuff :D
And I'd be slightly concerned if he wasn't a boy after seeing what we saw :D X
Haha x
Lunch yesterday was jacket potato with tuna and salad. And fruit.
I was still full at tea time so I had another bowl of apricot wheats :D love them.

Got a lot of sorting done yesterday. We have 2 spare rooms, at the minute one is full of guitars, recording stuff and the computer and one has a double bed in. I've picked which one bubs will have and have figured out with a bit of jiggling we can fit the double bed in the same room as the computer/guitars. Recently Andy has given away 3 guitars (he's terrible) and we still have 5 in the house. And a mandolin. And bongos. And a bodhran :D I'm amazed he hasn't bought his boy a guitar yet!

There's a walk in wardrobe/huge cupboard in the room that bubs is having so I've sorted that out so it can actually be used as something other than a dumping ground. It's all so exciting! I love that we have so much sorted and don't need to rush/panic. I thought I'd got carried away yesterday but Andy shares my excitement. As soon as he'd seen what I'd been up to he said 'shall I build the cot??' :D love him. I've told him to hang fire for now though.

Porridge so far this morning and just off for a walk in the sun :)

Aw its great when they dont moan that we have bought pointless stuff!! We are all ready have been since bout 30 weeks all clothes washed ironed and put away , but now its going slow as we are just waiting!
Aw its great when they dont moan that we have bought pointless stuff!! We are all ready have been since bout 30 weeks all clothes washed ironed and put away , but now its going slow as we are just waiting!

Ha ha exactly, I was expecting him to question how much the baby really needed an ornamental boat that he can't play with just to go on the shelf :D he likes it all though.

I did take a couple of bits back today but swapped them for more things instead (lamp, light shade and a couple of storage boxes) I'm terrible. I'm done for a while though. I think I'll be like you, all ready to go by 30 weeks...if not sooner :D

We have all the big stuff. Just need a new mattress for the cot, some clothes and to set up the bedroom. Wow. That's not a lot at all!! X
I am a humungasaurus rex!! How much bigger will he get?!???

( :D just noticed my stripy feet from wearing flip flops!)


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Little bit overwhelmed by the generosity of someone I've never even met yet. Andy's parents arrived on Sunday with a big suitcase, they'd been to see his cousin and she'd given them so many baby clothes, apparently she was worried she'd offend us and if we didn't want them could we charity shop/bin them?! I've just had a proper sort through them and arranged in to piles of newborn, 0-3, 3-6 and 6-9...her little boy was only 1 yesterday! They are gorgeous and nearly all Next or Zara, some have never been worn. There's also 2 sleeping bags and 3 hooded towels.
Think I'll be taking back the stuff that I accidentally purchased today whilst school uniform shopping (now that was emotional!!) :D


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Aww it's lovely isn it we had stacks of lovely stuff given to is of my partners cousin who'd I never even met . P.s bump is looking fab you look great :)