LauraLoo and baby number 2

Aww it's lovely isn it we had stacks of lovely stuff given to is of my partners cousin who'd I never even met . P.s bump is looking fab you look great :)

Hi :) thank you. Feeling enormous in this heat :D
It's so nice, we seem to be having bubs at the perfect time, we have people offering us stuff left, right and centre. I love it because the way I see it it leaves us free to buy the stuff we really want, I'd never be offended. Just wish I knew someone having a girl so I could return the favour! X
Just found these in B&M. Yummy and only 39p! I've got a Peach Bellini for later :)


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23 weeks tomorrow. It's going really quickly now. Eek!

I watched, erm, 9 months later (I think it's called that) the other day and got a bit emotional. I'm so happy and so lucky.

Although I did panic slightly when one woman was saying she gained 6 stone!! I know having a healthy baby and a happy family is the main thing ...I just REALLY REALLY REALLY don't want to be fat again. I'm full of cold at the minute and whilst I'm not eating loads I am eating junk, I just feel rubbish and toffee yum yums really do help, especially when I can't dose myself up :D

I've not weighed myself for aaaages. I don't see the point in upsetting myself. I had said at the beginning I'd like to stay under 13 stone, I think it'll be more like 13 and a half which will leave me with a good couple of stone to lose...again.

Anyway, happy stuff...we have decided on a name. I got all choked up when Andy whispered 'night, night ...' in bed last night. He had his hand on my tum and was half asleep, it just seemed like a really lovely moment. Awwww :) :)

Mia is snotty and chesty too so we are having a bit of a boring week so far :/ I did suggest a walk to the swings but right now she's still refusing to get out of her pjs!

Football smuggling :D


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Yeah really good ta, 24 weeks on thurs :) snap with the tiredness. I've been feeling sad that my little girl starts school in sept then I realised I'd be 30 weeks pregnant and could nap EVERY DAY if I wanted too :D that has eased the pain somewhat! Ha ha. X
Yeah really good ta, 24 weeks on thurs :) snap with the tiredness. I've been feeling sad that my little girl starts school in sept then I realised I'd be 30 weeks pregnant and could nap EVERY DAY if I wanted too :D that has eased the pain somewhat! Ha ha. X

haha thats fab! i work in a school so have broke up for 6 weeks now! but go to turkey nxt week so tryin to get things sorted! x
Napping is the best since 36 weeks I am sleeping 12 hours and napping I'm just so tired how will I come when baby arrives in 2 weeks haha
haha thats fab! i work in a school so have broke up for 6 weeks now! but go to turkey nxt week so tryin to get things sorted! x

A holiday sounds amazing right about now...although I've been pretty rubbish on the hot days we've had here so maybe not :D are you all packed and ready to go. I always pack way too early then regret it. X
Napping is the best since 36 weeks I am sleeping 12 hours and napping I'm just so tired how will I come when baby arrives in 2 weeks haha

Naps are magical. If only we could bank sleep now for later on. 2 weeks?? Eeeee. That's so exciting!! You'll be great, it's amazing how used to no sleep you get. It's funny really when you look back, I became so clumsy and a bit zombie-like, I was even seeing things and hearing things at one point :D but at the same time you're in such a happy little bubble you kind of don't care. Awwww, it's all so lovely. X
I'm so happy at the minute. For the past couple of weeks I've been feeling like I could burst with happiness...I blame the hormones :D I just feel all loved up and lucky. I do occasionally worry the bubble will burst but meh I'm enjoying it while it lasts...Andy will walk in later and we'll have a blazing row :D
He did ask the other day when I'd start to go crazy and become hard to live with, so I'm taking that as a compliment that it hasn't happened yet and I'm not completely delusional!

Food wise I'm doing ok. I seem to be naturally leaning more towards fruit and salad in this heat. My little girl and I have an expensive grape habit at the minute. She's so healthy bless her. We went to the cinema last week and while I was munching popcorn she was eating carrot sticks and cucumber sticks :D

Still refusing to weigh. Might not now til the very end, I think I remember getting weighed at my last midwife appointment with Moo. Or even just wait til afterwards. I don't know. I don't care (well I do, but I'm in denial and will be walking out of the hosp in my size 10 skinnies...obviously). X
Someone recommend putting grapes in freezer it's like eating mini ice lollies and it's so refreshing in this heat.

Get weighed at the end haha I've told oh the 6 weeks post baby is the 6 weeks the gained weight through pregnancy has to go so we shall see!

Yes 2 weeks it's mental well it's really a week I'm getting induced in my 38tg week baby measuring huge haha ouchie! X
Someone recommend putting grapes in freezer it's like eating mini ice lollies and it's so refreshing in this heat.

Get weighed at the end haha I've told oh the 6 weeks post baby is the 6 weeks the gained weight through pregnancy has to go so we shall see!

Yes 2 weeks it's mental well it's really a week I'm getting induced in my 38tg week baby measuring huge haha ouchie! X

Ooooh today's pack of grapes will be going in the freezer. Yum. Not done that for ages.
That would be fab wouldn't it, 9 months to put it on, 6 weeks to get it off. Heaven!
OH was saying last night 'don't worry you'll be back to normal by the time he's 6 months old'...6 MONTHS?? I want to be 'normal' in 6 bloomin' days!! I'm so impatient! :D (it took me about 2 and a half years to start caring after my little girl though, oops!).

Eek. Do you think you're having a big one? I was told to expect a big one but Mia was 6lb 13 at 42 weeks. I know everyone is different but my induction wasn't bad. Went in on Wednesday morning, was contracting Wednesday evening, waters broke about 3am thurs morning and had her by Thursday lunchtime. Was home on Friday :) Good luck!! X
My little buddy doesn't want to go out today (really unlike her but I'm happy to go with it) but now the back of my living room looks like this. Forgotten how much I enjoy colouring in :D


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A holiday sounds amazing right about now...although I've been pretty rubbish on the hot days we've had here so maybe not :D are you all packed and ready to go. I always pack way too early then regret it. X

iv climatised in the heat wev had now ready for turkey ha - it will be super hot tho but least got the pool to jump in to :)
im not packed yet no just gta get couple more things! tbh i havent really thought about holiday much because im more excited about my scan on monday! when thats over tho it wil be like omg 3 days to do everythin haha x
I'm measuring above 95th cent on abdo circ. and on the 36 week scan I saw chubby cheeks the sonographer said that's not a small baby lol
iv climatised in the heat wev had now ready for turkey ha - it will be super hot tho but least got the pool to jump in to :)
im not packed yet no just gta get couple more things! tbh i havent really thought about holiday much because im more excited about my scan on monday! when thats over tho it wil be like omg 3 days to do everythin haha x

Oooooh scan first, that's exciting. Are you hoping to find out the sex? X
I'm measuring above 95th cent on abdo circ. and on the 36 week scan I saw chubby cheeks the sonographer said that's not a small baby lol

Will be interesting to see how much baby weighs. Can't wait to read all about it :)
Do you feel ready? X