Laura's Diary

havent been updating this as i should, but i do always update on my fitness pal. if anyone wants to add me my username is 323laura

had a lot of takeaways / meals out this week and i really thought i'd put weight on but ive lost 0.4oz. That to me is good. This month ive lost 3.8lbs which is fantastic considering i joined weight watchers for a year and lost 15lbs!! so i'm doing better on my own

I have to admit that i have lost alot of will power this week. I felt like i was constantly snacking on rubbish. I wasnt in the mood to make stuff so just ate whatever i could grap or whack in the oven

going to the hotel where we want to get married today, hopefully i can have a shower before i go as my hair is a greasy mess, but im hoping seeing things and talking to people will make me more determind
well done laura on sticking to it and pushing through the lapse in your will power. its a tough thing losing weight but you seem so determined. when is the wedding date? im sure seeing things and talking to people will be wonderful for you. enjoy xx