LeaE's Jelly Wobble

LeaE said:
Ha ha mike having a ride he wishes it's more of a battle with me and him plus I sweat all over him so he's not really v happy right now neither are my legs ouch lol
You are so so right u know we have all done fab and yes we screwed up from time to time but we still keep at it don't we so ner ner ner ! And haven't u lost something like 7 stone ! Jesus u should be so dam proud whoooo for u xxxx thank u aysha for always reading my diary and helping me on my way I know I'm a pain and a little annoying and moany but yr always there ta sugar x

You are not annoying or moany u are real and honest! Wouldn't carry on reading if u did my head in lol!
LeaE said:
Lol <3 u lots thank u for everything spesh last night I was a right moany cow regarding court stuff sorry x ps I think lillie fancies arch lol oh dear xx

Your welcome, was a lovely to see you!! Ahh bless her!!! I was near yours earlier at kelford school x
vadey said:
Your welcome, was a lovely to see you!! Ahh bless her!!! I was near yours earlier at kelford school x

Ah u should have popped in x
Omg I'm still not asleep and have just had to ring the police x had loads of kids hanging around down the road for about 20mons then there was a smash I couldn't see but had to 999 it ! Police have come and apparently they have tried to steal a tv from an upstairs window but had to dump it as police came ! Little buggars got away but now I'm kicking myself for not taking a picture of them as my descriptions were vague as I was stood curtain twitching trying not to be seen ! My amazing dogs were on guard as per and barked at them soooooooo glad I have them as bf is working nights and kids are in bed x it's funny because if he was in the house in the kinda lass that would have got dressed gone out and told them to sod off off my street because u will wake my kids and if I had done that none of this would have happened to that poor persons house and right now I could kick myself ! But I had to prioritise my kids safety as there was 8 of them in total ! Ohhhh buggar not taking their pictures and what annoys me more is that I even thought about doing it when they were just stood about ! Oh well hey !
Bloody hell-that's all a bit too scary for me. Bloody glad you didn't go out-they could had knives or anything. You did the right thing calling the cops and keeping your babies safe! Ps i can assure you that everything is neat and tidy for the beach- wouldn't want to scare any children with spider legs! ;)
LeaE said:
Omg I'm still not asleep and have just had to ring the police x had loads of kids hanging around down the road for about 20mons then there was a smash I couldn't see but had to 999 it ! Police have come and apparently they have tried to steal a tv from an upstairs window but had to dump it as police came ! Little buggars got away but now I'm kicking myself for not taking a picture of them as my descriptions were vague as I was stood curtain twitching trying not to be seen ! My amazing dogs were on guard as per and barked at them soooooooo glad I have them as bf is working nights and kids are in bed x it's funny because if he was in the house in the kinda lass that would have got dressed gone out and told them to sod off off my street because u will wake my kids and if I had done that none of this would have happened to that poor persons house and right now I could kick myself ! But I had to prioritise my kids safety as there was 8 of them in total ! Ohhhh buggar not taking their pictures and what annoys me more is that I even thought about doing it when they were just stood about ! Oh well hey !

You are unreal!!!! Lock the doors and ring 999!!! X
Well been a busy day but an enjoyable one x been at my nanans all day with the kids I gutted her porch out for her so now it's nice and sparkly and I do love it when something's all sorted out lol sad I know but spesh when I know it cheers up her too as she's mega house proud x then walked to dogs with my daughters and nieces then went to my mums for tea x I had a cottage pie which I enjoyed and it filled me up so I'm pretty happy right now x walked home with my kids and dogs and just this min got in x I think I'm going to tidy clean and sort stuff tonight and tbh I'm abit gutted the bf home at 8 because I like doing stuff like that on my own x I'm going to sort through my clothes and the kids and the toys and the kitchen etc all in prep for doing a car boot on Sunday and I'm really looking forward to it x sad I know lol the only downside is I will miss my weigh in on Sunday morning and I don't know if I should go to be weighed Sunday after carboot or Monday but either way it's not a true reading as it won't be at the right time as it means I will weigh in in an evening not morning and I'm always heavier ! So oh dear x bit gutted as my weight loss has slowed loads and I might end up with a v low 1 lb loss or even a stay the same :( sad times but hey ho x
Lots of ppl ate saying alot now about my weight loss and even more feel the need to tell me how much I weigh in a bid for me to tell them how much I do which angers me a little as I find it rude but I guess they just don't understand my issues with it x
Sorting through the clothes for the carboot and everything is miles too big :( and :) all at the same time spesh over the dress I wore for the wedding it looks stupid and now it has to go :( good job no nights out are on the cars I have nothing left x
LeaE said:
Sorting through the clothes for the carboot and everything is miles too big :( and :) all at the same time spesh over the dress I wore for the wedding it looks stupid and now it has to go :( good job no nights out are on the cars I have nothing left x

Don't u feel fab though knowing that none of that will ever fit u again!!
Lea - haven't yet let go of the fat clothes - still a few size 20s and 22s in the wardrobe. I wish I was braver and could chuck them all out. I am sitting in my new size 12 shorts - will only wear indoors due to a serious fat knee issue!
You do find that people feel free to make very personal comments about your body when you lose weight - I've had sometime tell me that I need a new bra and also asking it I have loose skin! I have also been told that I am getting Anorexia - I have pointed out that it would be rather unusual to become anorexic at the age of 46! Besides, I'm not yet in the healthy weight bracket - 3 more lbs to go...
I don't think your weight loss will slow down that much - I am losing weight at an average of 2lbs per week but everyone else is losing weight much more quickly even when they get nearer to goal weight. You sound like you have a very active life so probably burn off twice as many cals as I do sitting at a desk all day.
yeah kinda but it was a little shocking trying stuff on that i thought would last me a bit longer only to find its now massive on me but its prob due to the fact i dont see myself as being a huge amount smaller x Some of the clothes i am now removing from my wardrobe i have only worn once and some are old time favourites the kinda outfits that have fitted me no matter how much weight i have put on and i know this sounds silly but they have been like old rliable friends ha ha ha im crazy arent i but from a person who hated shopping and on a night out could know i could wear that and look ok its been abit emotional and sad and if i must admit a ittle scary but had to be done xhow are u my love ?
well most important whooooo check u out size 12 shorts and only 3lbs off yr healthy weight bracket im v v proud of u and so impressed how amazing must u feel fan frecking tastic whoop whoop xx I kinda advice that u do have a clear out not because u cant wear them but i do it as a statement that im never going back x if i came off this diet tomorrow i only now have clothes that fit me and if i put any weight on im not buying a bigger size i will have to work to maintain what i have achieved so far thats why i get rid of them x the only thing i have thats too big is a blue dress i love from debhanans and thats only because i love it that i will have it taken in when im at goal so it fits but everything else is gone ! goodbye fat me hello thinner me is what im doing ! well in my mind anyhow !
I couldnt agree more about how rude and nosey ppl become ! I am shocked how ppl feel that they have the right to make quite harsh comments about my weight loss and some of te questions they ask spesh in a big group of ppl actually shocks me that ppl can be so rude ! Some ppl that o it on perpose to embaress me I retaliate by asking about their sex lives and if they have ever paid or been paid for sex and yes they get in a huff and yes its mean and yes it upsets them but no more than how they did me and it does shut them up and it does ensure they never do it again so serves them right x
anyways just thought i should tell u u have done amazing and i would be so proud of myself if i ever get to where u are now 3 lbs is nothing left to lose and a healthy bmi is such a massive achievement x pls pls pls let me know when u get there x its just fab x
Aahhhhhh I'm hating today ! It's a beautiful day and I'm stuck I side cleaning everything out I have been stuck in the kids toy room for hour and it's killing me !!!!!! But I must say I love it when it's all sorted ! Makes me a happy little bunny ! Bf is being much more loving today v unusual all kissy and touchy feely which weirdly is making me feel uncomfortable and concerned lmao ! Oh check out all my clothes that are for the gone pile ! Carboot here I come x


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LeaE said:
Aahhhhhh I'm hating today ! It's a beautiful day and I'm stuck I side cleaning everything out I have been stuck in the kids toy room for hour and it's killing me !!!!!! But I must say I love it when it's all sorted ! Makes me a happy little bunny ! Bf is being much more loving today v unusual all kissy and touchy feely which weirdly is making me feel uncomfortable and concerned lmao ! Oh check out all my clothes that are for the gone pile ! Carboot here I come x

Treat yourself to a hour in sun. Thats lots of clothes!!!! X
Well uhave ended up loving today ! Got the kids toy room sorted and now the kids are at my mums Stevens at work and I'm relaxing but need to get motivated to finish off ready for tomoz and just remembered I have no change oh no lol
I'm just really astounded that my clothes are massive on me and tbh it's a real mile stone for me litterlly all my old clothes don't fit now and I just can't believe it's happened ! I can't stop looking in the mirror and thinking wow I have actually come far and what all them ppl have said for ages that didn't seem true maybe actually is its weird but good weird !!!! But still sad and nervous to say bye to my old clothes that's quite scary really that once they're gone I can't go back because I won't have the clothes there as a security plan b kinda thing and again that's good but it's still a little scary x sad that tomoz I can't have wi at 10am like usual but means I will have it later this week and means I will be heavier than usual which means my wi will show me further away from them 13 s than I should be however I knew I wouldn't reach the 13s this week but I 100% will be aiming for nxt Sunday ! So leas jelly wobble mission if I decide to accept is get in them 13s by nxt Sunday and god dam I accept it !
Just now I have been looking at my stats on my iPhone and once I'm in the 13s I need to lose 17lbs untill I'm in the new bmi bracket of overweight instead of being obese which is where I am now! I'm now classed at orange which is an ok colour but my nxt colours yellow and yellows a much kinder colour lol
Had a s&s meal today was tomato chilli I really enjoyed it again and I have everyone of their meals I'm not leaving cd infact cd is going to be the majority of my diet but I decided to place an order with s&s with Nadine to give me that bit of flexibility ! I ordered the month supply which when split with Nadine makes 2 weeks worth x I ordered 14 bars so I can try them all and I find the chocolate bars a treat but the rest of my order was made up of the meals because I don't really like the soups or portidge x my aim with this is to have cd all week and replace 3 cd products a week with s&s meals for an evening treat and so I can eat with the kids as a family as my eldest said she missed me eating with her x so on Tuesday that order should be here and I'm really quite looking forward to the change as after so long on loads of shakes its very much welcome x well enough rambling for today as I still have lots to do x oh forgot to say my mums still on cd but she's started having the cd ready meals a couple of times a week and she cheats here and there but all in all she's sticking to it quite well and I'm all debloated now and my tummy is nearly better so changing my daily movicol to one every other day now as it tastes rank and I don't want my bowels to become reliant on it ha ha sorry for that last bit but had to be honest also I'm near 13.13 now and that's where I gave up last time and right at this moment I don't feel like I need this to end yet so all good x conclusion = positive happy brilliant eye opening day !
Hey Lea popping in to show my support :) its an amazing feeling when clothes are too big for you isn't it!! Once u get rid of them tho u will never need to re-buy that size ever again & can go on a shopping spree to buy new clothes woohoo! I had a tantrum today coz my size 16 new look jeans are hanging off me and I fastened my belt as tight as it would go which pulled them up and left them too short round my ankles :( need to treat myself to a new pair I think!!

The s&s products look yummy was thinking of trying some nearer the end of my CD journey coz I've heard so many gd reviews on them. Won't be long til you are in the 13s I'm sure coz youre doing so well!! I'm not long in them hoping for a 3lb loss this week to take me to single figures in the 13s (fingers crossed).

Anyway hope you're having a gd evening speak soon! xx
Siobhan89 said:
Hey Lea popping in to show my support :) its an amazing feeling when clothes are too big for you isn't it!! Once u get rid of them tho u will never need to re-buy that size ever again & can go on a shopping spree to buy new clothes woohoo! I had a tantrum today coz my size 16 new look jeans are hanging off me and I fastened my belt as tight as it would go which pulled them up and left them too short round my ankles :( need to treat myself to a new pair I think!!

The s&s products look yummy was thinking of trying some nearer the end of my CD journey coz I've heard so many gd reviews on them. Won't be long til you are in the 13s I'm sure coz youre doing so well!! I'm not long in them hoping for a 3lb loss this week to take me to single figures in the 13s (fingers crossed).

Anyway hope you're having a gd evening speak soon! xx

Hey love and thank u for popping in on me and appologise for my ramble on yrs just thought u should know lol yeah it's nice getting rid of the clothes and I agree once they're gone no going back whhhooooo scarier than Halloween hey lol my god I can't wait to be in the 13s never mind the single figures of that bloody number u must be so pleased and congrats on the jeans that's great lol well not great u had short trousers but great u need new ones he he and u should defo treat yrself to new and if u do there's loads of sales on ATM I sooooo need new bras my biobs are tiny now but I keep forgetting to make the time to go and be measured !!!!!!! Anyhow I still have loads to do so better get on xxxx spk soon I hope and well done again oh and yes do try the ss meals it's a lovely treat to such a harsh diet and it's really helped me from craving and feeling I'm missing food x
LeaE said:
Hey love and thank u for popping in on me and appologise for my ramble on yrs just thought u should know lol yeah it's nice getting rid of the clothes and I agree once they're gone no going back whhhooooo scarier than Halloween hey lol my god I can't wait to be in the 13s never mind the single figures of that bloody number u must be so pleased and congrats on the jeans that's great lol well not great u had short trousers but great u need new ones he he and u should defo treat yrself to new and if u do there's loads of sales on ATM I sooooo need new bras my biobs are tiny now but I keep forgetting to make the time to go and be measured !!!!!!! Anyhow I still have loads to do so better get on xxxx spk soon I hope and well done again oh and yes do try the ss meals it's a lovely treat to such a harsh diet and it's really helped me from craving and feeling I'm missing food x

Yeh I agree with the boobs bit! :( I need remeasured also but don't want to admit they've got smaller as they were the one part of my body I liked! Haha yeh defo I'm out shopping today & new jeans on that list can't walk about like Simon Cowel forever lol xxx
Snap. But I'm being lazy and tight gonna wait till I've lost a bit more before I get measured for some new bras.

Hope the carboot went ok Lea. x