LeaE's Jelly Wobble

Hair is gorgeous! Also liking the jacket :) xx
Thank u again guys x bf doesn't like the jacket but oh well hey since when did I ever listen to a man x
Lea - massive difference now! You don't look more than about 12 stones and certainly not fat. Your face is a different shape now - more defined. I think the jacket is really great - shows off your hour glass figure - what do men know?!
Just stepped off my cross trainer - first exercise ona year! Are you still jumping on Mike?
Daisy65 said:
Lea - massive difference now! You don't look more than about 12 stones and certainly not fat. Your face is a different shape now - more defined. I think the jacket is really great - shows off your hour glass figure - what do men know?!
Just stepped off my cross trainer - first exercise ona year! Are you still jumping on Mike?

Omg have I inspired u to do the cross trainer lol well done u I'm soooooooo impressed and yes I am like mike would ever let me not I think I made the mistake of naming him it makes it personal ! Now to name yrs mmmmmm I think in theme of the grey books he should be Christian the cross trainer Chris for short lol what do u think ?!?!?! And thank u that's a lovely comment really kind of u and for once I will agree I defo look better and alot thinner than the 1st pics I ever posted x it's so nice to have u guys that have travelled along my journey with me through ups and downs and everything x ooohhh better stop now I'm getting all emotional x
Daisy65 said:
Yes - you inspired me and Chris it is! You're making me feel emotional now...

Sob sob xxx love u guys v muchly sob sob and that's without alcohol lmao xxxxx
Wow !! Stunning my lovely lea x x you have inspired me to get a rower what shall I call him lol. Thank you for being there for me x x am taking a break this week but back on it next week x x
I love the jacket x c
Katierose said:
Wow !! Stunning my lovely lea x x you have inspired me to get a rower what shall I call him lol. Thank you for being there for me x x am taking a break this week but back on it next week x x
I love the jacket x c

Hey my cutie Katie how are u x I do hope yr feeling better now x ooohhhh a rower well he's gotta be Rodger really hasn't he lol xxxxx
Well ladies I plucked up the courage to go for a bra fitting !! In M&S and ....... It's was shockingly bad she meadured me as a 40 F and I was wearing a 38E which was far too big giving no support !!! So 40F wasn't going to was it ! She insisted she was right so I tried varying styles on a low and behold all far too big ! So she brought everything in from a 38C to a 40E !!!! I thought bloody hell I could have tried on every bra in the shop on my own and the style of bra offered me no support shape or lift she kept telling me bras fitted perfect and when I pointed out where they blatantly didn't she said oh yeah must be the style try this ! What a joke in the end I laughed gave her the million bra pile back and said forget it thank u v much but no thank u ! So all that time and nerves was not worth it and I am disgusted that that's what M&S have offered to me ! So I'm still without a proper fitting bra ! Great ! My slim and save order has arrived just ate macaroni cheese mmmmmmmmmm treat mmmmmm and Nadine's come for hers im so excited for her to do it again with me x I gave her some clothes and Carole some clothes and coats so that's the last of my old clothes gone I have so little to choose from now and I look a tramp all the time but hey ho all in the name of slimming hey x
Just thought I would say as well I love my mummy so much even though she does my head in sometimes I do love her lots ! She popped round and she's great and I love that she's met Nadine now because she likes to meet my friends !
Back to work tomoz :( oh well it had to happen sometime but they say no rest for the wicked don't they x other than that nothing much new to say really oh other than I fitted Carole with a new bra and she looks soooooo much better and I think she's really pleased too whoop whoop x
Try debenhams for fitting i always find them better

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marshma said:
Try debenhams for fitting i always find them better

Sent from my GT-I9100 using MiniMins

Mmmmmm I'm really quite upset about it all though took alot of my courage to go in there today ! But prob will try there couldn't be much worse just got to build myself up for it again I suppose ! How are u anyways not heard from u in a while ?
That's awfull but I have heard so many stories about m&s, I went to triumph and got fitted for mine but have heard debenhams and bhs are very good!
LeaE said:
Mmmmmm I'm really quite upset about it all though took alot of my courage to go in there today ! But prob will try there couldn't be much worse just got to build myself up for it again I suppose ! How are u anyways not heard from u in a while ?

U should complaine hun!
ayshaahmad said:
That's awfull but I have heard so many stories about m&s, I went to triumph and got fitted for mine but have heard debenhams and bhs are very good!

Mmm u ladies sure know how to persuade! I was just going to fit myself but I suppose I should do this properly x
LeaE said:
Mmm u ladies sure know how to persuade! I was just going to fit myself but I suppose I should do this properly x

Honestly I know what u mean about courage cos it took all of mums to go in and that's why I chose the triumph shop because I knew they would know what they are doing! You've done it once so u can do it again and its amazing to have a bra that fits it completely changes your shape!
ayshaahmad said:
Honestly I know what u mean about courage cos it took all of mums to go in and that's why I chose the triumph shop because I knew they would know what they are doing! You've done it once so u can do it again and its amazing to have a bra that fits it completely changes your shape!

I don't think we have a triumph !!!! Shame really ! So do I do bhs or debhanams ?!? It's the last chance shop as if this messes up I'm not doing it again !
LeaE said:
I don't think we have a triumph !!!! Shame really ! So do I do bhs or debhanams ?!? It's the last chance shop as if this messes up I'm not doing it again !

Debenhams is prob your best one!
I went to la senza but their bras are really small made! I'm a 36 DD in there but had to buy a 36 D in Asda today. Hope u find somewhere with better customer service than what M&S gave u! I would complain. But I agree prob debenhams xx
Lea!! Thank you so much for the clothes!!! Ready for tom!! Bring it on!! Your mum is fab!! Was so lovely to meet her!! Thanks for the books, everything you do for me xx
And this my friends is why I need measuring in a new bra and why after 1 year of maintaining my goal that I will save up for surgery x this is my wrinkly old boob v unfair I think ! On a plus not surely this must make u all feel better about yr bodies !


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