LeaE's Jelly Wobble

quick post before i grab an hour because im shattered x x Only had 2 hour sleep then up and out for carbooty challenge did well but was so tired and forgot my shakes so was starving downed loads of water to be good and not cheat ! came home got weighed only lost a pound a meesley pound so then i was tired hungry and disheartened so then proceeded to eat a carvery with the bf mmmmmmmmmmm what a plank but oh well ! I know why i did it and even when it was ordered i knew i shouldnt and then i ate it and thought what an idiot but oh well hey it wasnt a mistake it wasnt because of anything its because i was tired hungry and i lost a pound and thats silly because i know why my weight only showed as a pound loss its because of the time i weighed in and the fact i hadnt slept as i lose more when i sleep longer and i just did it anyway ! I kinda just think oh im having a day off sod it for a day off well 1 meal actually but then now i write this i know its silly x so back on it straight away im not carrying it on all day im just having one meal of which it was nice but back straight away minus bars this week as now im out of ketosis ! so onward and downward hopefully
ps made over £120 of some serious crap and my clothes which all flew off the hangers as it was all good stuff sold cheap so lucky ppl of oldcoats hey xxx i now have no wardrobe :(
barely worth changing my signiture for a pound lmao im a moody cow arent i lol well thats 2 packs of lard so i always say and better off than on blah blah blah lol least im not 20st again hey
LeaE said:
barely worth changing my signiture for a pound lmao im a moody cow arent i lol well thats 2 packs of lard so i always say and better off than on blah blah blah lol least im not 20st again hey

Aww Hun don't be too disheartened I was the same last week, but it's still coming off so it's all gd :) and u wudnt believe what a pound looks like on a scale! xx
A lb is a lb hun and its a loss so don't let it get u down! Well done on the car boot sale, save the money to buy yaself some new clothes u deserve it!!!
Lea - I've had a couple of 1lb weeks and it is quite disheartening especially when you want to lose a lot more - I only lost 1lb in week 3. Fortunately those weeks don't occur very often. Don't worry - one meal does not constitute a binge - it probably will barely register on the scales by next week.
I have had a bumper shop today in Covent Garden. Got some real bargains and my dieting friend gave me some of her big clothes (size 12!) which are a bit tight on top but which I will work towards. Also got a proper bra fitting - 36F! I have been wearing old bras in 40c. Felt a little embarrassed as my boobs have dropped and I had to keep hauling them back up and stuffing them into the cups - not very dignified! I would recommend a proper fitting as my figure has been transformed.
I'm not expecting a great loss this week as I have had a sneaky jump on the scales and looks like I have stayed the same so far. Oh well - we've got to have a bad week to appreciate the good ones ...
Im ok with it now isnt a biggie is it really i will keep going as per lol whoooooo congrats on the new bras i really need to sort mine out might try squeeze it in tomoz if possible did u find any new jeans miss cowell lol
hey love how are u xxx Im ok like u said a pounds a pound and pounds soon add up to stones dont they !!!!!! carbot was good a bit sad but good as all my clothes flew off the rail and went retty fast still got a few bits left but all in all was a sucess we made £120 plus pounds which is great x i got awful indigestion after eating the carvery like cripling pains i had to spew a bit to empty my stomach to stop the pain ! I was pretty worried tbh as im pretty good withpain had both my children with just gas and air and with tia i was v ill and with lilie i was iduced she was laid on my back and then my womb wouldnt contract s had loads of stitches and invasion and i coped fine even at a young age but this was worse i actually couldnt walk my bf had to carry m to the bathroom tears were streaming down my face even though i never cry and i wasnt actualy crying if u know what i mean and the only way it stoped was for me to throw up and it happened about 2 hour afer i ate was so scary but it defo has putme off for a while and shows how important refeed is to me ! Im not too down about the low loss or the fact i ate because it was a choice ! been doing this 16weeks and in that time i have cheated once with te McDs and now with the carvery and really im ok with this and im not feling guilty or awful or anythinjust feel like i dont really want to have that pain again x hope yr doing k with fasting and everything x x
your so right sugar we do but i will keep my fingers crossed for a loss for u even if its just a small one x you guys are puting me to shame fitting in this bra itting i really need to sort mine out now !
oohhhh new clothes did u get anything nice ? and isnt that lovely of yr friend to give u some wardrobe makes a lovely difference especially when u can experiment with clothes at no cost makes it all the sweeter ! I found a bag of old clothes while preping for the carboot and they are clothes from when i was 17 theres about 6 tops and a pair of jeans nothing amazing but one of the tops was one of my old time favourites ! Its only a plain pink cotto top off the shoulder but i used to love it so once its washed it will be lovely to have it back and it will prob at least fit me again now whooooppppppppp
right well im doing ss again and im limited to milkshakes for a whole week after my meal today no bars no s&s meals no luxuries until im stablised back in ketosis so wish me luck because i have this week to lose 3lbs or my challenge is floored so really need to get to it xx
I'm only buying clothes which are a wee bit tight at the moment as I have made the mistake of buying new clothes on the way down and was only able to wear them for about 4 weeks. I should have bought only size 12s from the beginning really but I was never particularly optimistic about my weight loss. I'm about to drag another giant bag to the charity shop - it's near where I work and I've given so much away that I'm sure that one day soon one of my clients will turn up wearing one of my outfits!
I got a fab dress for work from Hobbs - tried on a size 14 but it was baggy around the hips so I bought the size 12 - reduced from £139 to £39 - I just love a bargain! My friend gave me a Karen millen dress and a horribly expensive designer cocktail dress - not sure when I'll get to wear it as I don't remember ever being invited to a cocktail party! I'll probably end up just dancing in front of the bedroom mirror with it on. I think I got just as much pleasure getting back not old clothes but I haven't got many below a size 16.
You sound like you had a pretty violent reaction to food! Sounds awful but at least it may stop you from falling off the wagon again ... I guess it's another lesson learned. I bet you'll be back in ketosis in one or two days.
no i didn't get any jeans forgot to look as i was too busy looking for bras and holiday stuff! lol silly me :p i luckily have a pair of size 16 that still kind of fit, bit baggy on the waist but thank god for the trusty belt!! ;)

good luck getting back into ketosis i'm sure u'll smash it tho coz you're doing great! hope u feel better after ur incident after the carvery :( and hope you're ok! xx
Has anyone of u ever read of that happening before ? I'm ok now but it's been worrying me all night I mean it I'm not over reacting it was like someone was twisting my stomach up and ringing it and it only stopped when I spewed and my lower guy hurt too ! Has this diet made me allergic to food lol nah I know it can't do that but I'm thinking my stomachs shrunk to such an extent that it can't take a meal ATM ! Any input ppl ??
I have had that about 4 times to the point I thought I would have to call an ambulance 3 times it happened after a binge and once when i had been 100% cd for about 5 weeks but had been drinking masses of water! My doctor put it down to severe trapped wind but I wasn't sure! I hope u are ok now, scary stuff hey! Drink peppermint tea as I have a cup a day and not had it since!
ayshaahmad said:
I have had that about 4 times to the point I thought I would have to call an ambulance 3 times it happened after a binge and once when i had been 100% cd for about 5 weeks but had been drinking masses of water! My doctor put it down to severe trapped wind but I wasn't sure! I hope u are ok now, scary stuff hey! Drink peppermint tea as I have a cup a day and not had it since!

Aahhh u kinda put my mind at rest it's defo not wind I think it was a muscle spasm because of large amounts of food it felt awful I thought about going to a&e also but it stopped once I was sick x x all fine today x had my hair done spent £50 on me and bought a leather bomber jacket too size 14 whoop x
Treat myself to new hair and new jacket x jacket is only a cheap one but size 14 whoop x any verdicts ????


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Loving the hair and the jacket. But especially your hair. You're stunning! You look so good.
Wow LeaE! You done amazing! You blog is inspiring to me. You are so strong and positive. Just wanted to say that! X

And by the way, you look fab in the outfit!
Lea u look absolutely gorgeous!!! Twit twoo!!!
Ah thank u guys x x couldn't have done it without u all by my side so thank u x
You look stunning :))
Looks good hun

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