Well better update my diary properly really x I'm excited about the skimming race we are doing just the motivation we need really because this diet seems to be going on for ages !!!!!! Mind u I say that but I also feel like I could carry on doing it for ages also !!!! I'm still not totally in acceptance I'm in the 13 s and moreso that I'm now aiming for the 12s it's just wierd to even contemplate weighing 12something just odd x this morning at work a member of staff said I needed to eat because I now look ill and it's really bugged me because stuff like this is usually water off a ducks back but I'm not sure why but it's really quite upset me ! Why ? I haven't got a clue but it's really upset me and then I was thinking about if I look ill now what about when I lose another 3+ stone ?!? I'm fat now I know I am so why say that ? Just really doesn't make sense to me and I'm really annoyed that she just didn't say well done ! Also she is miles thinner than me so if I look ill what about her ? Ggrrrrrr
Anyways I'm back on nights and I'm tired no products left to eat so just happy sipping water. Kids have been to their swimming lessons and are now tucked up in bed and I only have 2 more weekends to work before I'm off whoop can't wait to spend time with them I miss them so much when I'm at work even though they're only sleeping. I'm off to the dogs Friday for my friends bday so will be nice but I have nothing to wear I mean what can I wear big nightmare !!!!!!!!
Anyways I can't stop thinking I have 11lbs to go which in the grand scheme of things isn't alot and then I'm in the 12s and in a new bmi bracket I think whooooooppppp this 11lbs can't come off quick enough x there's 4 weeks until the kids go back to school and I would really like to be in the 12 s by then soo that's 3lbs a week on average however with how my 14s went I'm thinking this may be a little unrealistic

oh well we will see x I can but try x