Let's give this a try...

Day 21

Weighed-in today: have only lost 1.9lb. Was a bit surprised given that I've been 100% this week and previous losses have been larger than this. My pharmacist suggested that because I'm on TOTM at the moment my body might be retaining more water. Let's see what next week's measurements are like.

On the other hand, two achievements: am now 2 stone lighter than when I started Lipotrim back in mid-February, and am one third of the way through my TFR-take-two journey. Result!
Day 22

Had dinner fairly early today just after 5pm, not sure why I was hungry then given that I was up from half 10 onwards. Strange. I used to have dinner at 5pm when I was in school, then at about 6-ish in my first and second years at uni, then got in the habit of eating at 7pm this year when my housemates came home. Still, as long as I don't feel hungry later.

Today I watched two dear friends get married - I was so happy for them! I ended up giving the reception a miss though - namely I have revision to do, but also I didn't trust myself to not be tempted by the food. Last night was tempting when a group of us got together and cake was brought out - am proud of myself for resisting. I'm trying to take things one week at a time - thinking 'Ahh another 6 weeks???' isn't much helping, but 'Only 6 days until weigh-in' helps a fair bit.
Day 23

Am feeling a bit off-colour today, so instead of revising I'm in bed watching TV. Not a good idea. For one thing, revision should be happening. Secondly, TV shows food. Am really wanting some pasta now. Darnit.
I was feeling like that last night and most of the day today Cuqsuita, its horrible but im proud of myself for not giving in to temptation!! ive had some terrible cravings though!! chin up girl, tomorrow is another day closer to our goal!! :D
Day 24

Back in the library - this room has become my second home. Am not quite so tempted by food now, but when I walk home past the takeaways I do feel like going in and ordering something as a stress-reliever. I relieve stress either by eating something I like, or doing something I like - during exam season I barely have time for anything but revising, so eating tasty food is more appealing. But am not near to breaking quite yet. It would be easy to stop now, but I can keep going.
Cuqsuita,fair play to you for not giving in during exam time-thats doubly difficult.You must be really proud of urself-well done!
Day 25

In the Chaplaincy today - there is cake in the fridge, darn temptation! Feeling a bit blue about not eating nice food.
Just think though Cuqsuita, you can enjoy lovely foods soon but you will be super slim when you do!! Keep up the great work :)
Day 25 (again)

...and the exam fear is setting in. Stress levels high. Friends speaking of tasty food. At this moment, I don't really care about diet. :( A rubbish day.
cuqsuita, i know how youre feeling, ive had a terrible week or so, been resisting temptation and finding it so hard!! i had my weigh in today and was pleased to find out that i had lost another 5lb but i came home and had to give in to the cravings!!! i ate a brown roll with chicken and salad in it!!! im not mad at myself cause its the first bit of food thats passed my lips in 5 weeks and im actually glad ive got it out of the way cause im now thinking that it wasnt actually that great anyway!! i know its gonna have messed up my ketones but im just gonna get straight back on it and im sure i will be back up soon!! just dont beat yourself up too much hun, ive lost almost 2 stone in 5 weeks now and thats amazing, its weight i wouldnt have lost if i hadnt started on lipotrim so look at the positives!! youre doing great, we are all gonna have bad days but we will get through it!! x
Thanks everyone :) I admit I gave in and nibbled some leftover treacle sponge, felt bad but a little proud that I stopped myself binging on it. Feeling stronger already - exam blues have passed for the moment, hoping that tomorrow I won't give in again.
Day 26

I went back home in the afternoon after lunch - hardly any temptation in an empty house! That and I was having difficulty focusing in the library, for a change. For dinner I tried heating up the strawberry shake in a pan - it tastes horrid, I wouldn't advise trying this. Shakes are getting boring now. And another 38 or so days to go???
Day 27

Am hungry, and it's only 4pm. Hmm. Also, it's cake-and-tea-with-talk night at Church group this evening - I've missed this term's sessions to revise so far, but given that tonight's speaker is somebody I've invited, I should go to that. Also, I haven't seen a lot of Church group recently due to revision, it'll be good to see people.

Recently I've been tempted to bake - not just to eat the baked goods, but the act of baking. Procrasti-baking, I've heard it called during exam season. My housemate and I are tempted to make bread and butter pudding and freeze some so I can eat it when TFR is over, but I have to get out of the mindset of 'I'll eat this and that when TFR is over', else I'll never change my eating habits.

Weigh-in tomorrow, I'm really looking forward to that.
Day 28

Hit 74kg today at weigh-in - have now lost over 30lb since I first started Lipotrim in February :) The 'exam munchies', as my pharmacist called them, are still here - in a somewhat good way exams'll be over soon, then my stress levels and treat cravings will hopefully go down.
Day 29

As my friends revise, they make cake to keep their spirits up, and post photos of these on Facebook. Aaah I want revision-cake. My cheer-ups now involve putting on dresses in front of the mirror in the evenings, it doesn't feel better than cake at a surface level but it makes me more determined to not throw in the towel.
Day 30

Cheated :( Felt hungry, ate a maintenance bar. Damnit, why am I slipping up when I'm not so far from goal?
Day 31

Have managed to TFR for a month :)
Revision makes me want to cry. Feeling blue makes me want to comfort eat. When I don't comfort eat, I comfort watch TV, but can't afford to do that with exams in a week. Not having a great start to the week, on the plus side I don't have to stress about what to cook for myself...
See, silver lining! The worry if food shopping, of prepping food and finding time to eat, gone. I am the same though, have been comfort tv watching instead! Hadn't realised that's what I was doing until you mentioned it.
Hope the revising is going well. Will keep my fingers crossed.