Day 44
Am so bored of revision, I'm sure I'm on this forum more now as procrastination than I was before exam season...
Have been looking up healthy recipes as another procrastination tool, it's started to turn into a mini-obsession. Maybe because I'm so close to refeed and want to eat healthily afterward. Also looking up supplements, my mum had me on many vitamins when I was a teen but I stopped around A-levels due to teenage stubbornness. Maybe that combined with relatively-poor nutrition contribute to not-so-brilliant health (currently have some mild dental issues and have struggled with depression)...
On the plus side, I'm feeling far calmer about exams and have a much clearer head than I have in past years, clearly the absence of junk food is helping! A few days ago I talked to Dad about staying 100% over exam season - he was originally skeptical that it would be a good idea and made me promise to take care of myself, but I came up with a fair few plus sides:
1) No fuss cooking
2) No fuss washing up/cleaning kitchen
3) No junk food = clearer, more focused mind
4) Less time eating, more time revising
5) Still have plenty of energy to get through the day
6) No fuss food shopping
7) No junk food = calmer state of being
On the minus side:
1) Stress increases cravings
2) Friends distract/celebrate with cake and offer me some
3) Stress - cravings - increased stress - cycle
...but thankfully the minus sides occur less frequently than the positive sides, and so far haven't impacted revision much. I like to think I'm getting more done now than I have done before!
And I should really get back to revision. Just 21 hours until they're over Cuqsuita, if you can do LT then you can do anything. Must keep telling self this!