Lil Miss Preggas :D wiv baba no2

8 weeks pregnant today!

Had my first midwife appointment today, it was about an hr long as they do alot of paperwork on ur family history etc. She took my blood, height and weight. Evrything is fine although by bmi is on the wrong side of 30 but she said not to worry too much and try to maintain best I can.

Iv been referred to a consultant early and more than likely have an early scan as I had a few complications wiv my son so they just keepin a close eye.

All in all it was a nice appointment and hope I get to see ma lil baby on the screen soon and know alls well :D x

My Fitness Pal - xSoon2bMrsSlimx

Weight - 15.0 BMI-31.9 (Start 15.7)
Total loss - 7lbs
1st Aim - 14.0 BMI-29.8 (14lb to go)
9 weeks pregnant today !!

Feeling exhausted and sick most of time but I havnt been sick yet so im pleased! Maintaining my weight well. Although I went off the rails when I found out I was pregnant but iv gained control!

Still waiting for my scan date and cant wait!

Everything goin great upto now :D x

My Fitness Pal - xSoon2bMrsSlimx

Weight - 15.0 BMI-31.9 (Start 15.7)
Total loss - 7lbs
1st Aim - 14.0 BMI-29.8 (14lb to go)
Aw thnx becca :)

Thats not long is it! I was ther an hour cos thers so much paperwork to do x

My Fitness Pal - xSoon2bMrsSlimx

Weight - 15.0 BMI-31.9 (Start 15.7)
Total loss - 7lbs
1st Aim - 14.0 BMI-29.8 (14lb to go)
Ooo maybe i might be there docs receptionists are rubbish and give out useless info.
Im 9 weeks sat cant wait. I got my scan date over two weeks ago and i havent even had first midwife appointment at docs.
When i went docs to say i was preg etc she must have sent off to the hospital then
Ah im jealous im still waiting for my date! Its been a week since ma midwife app so it should be coming thru soon!
I would def think ur app will be longer than 15mins cos she takes blood, urine sample and goes through so much info.
Good luck bet ya cnt wait :D and I hope shes nice cos mines lovely x

My Fitness Pal - xSoon2bMrsSlimx

Weight - 15.0 BMI-31.9 (Start 15.7)
Total loss - 7lbs
1st Aim - 14.0 BMI-29.8 (14lb to go)
Do i have to take urine sample do i just do it ther?
I no tha a stupid question ha but it horrible not knowing isnt it.
Got my docs appointmeny on 22nd and 12 week scan on 5th dec
beccaharrison89 said:
Do i have to take urine sample do i just do it ther?
I no tha a stupid question ha but it horrible not knowing isnt it.
Got my docs appointmeny on 22nd and 12 week scan on 5th dec

Its getting close! I know exactly what ya mean, she will give ya a sample bottle there n ya jus pop to the loo x

My Fitness Pal - xSoon2bMrsSlimx

Weight - 15.0 BMI-31.9 (Start 15.7)
Total loss - 7lbs
1st Aim - 14.0 BMI-29.8 (14lb to go)
Heya am not doin too bad just exhausted all the time, how u gettin on? I got my scan date eventually after chasing them up and they didnt even knw I existed! Its 12th dec n al be nearly 14 weeks gone!
Hope ur doin well x

My Fitness Pal - xSoon2bMrsSlimx

Weight - 15.0 BMI-31.9 (Start 15.7)
Total loss - 7lbs
1st Aim - 14.0 BMI-29.8 (14lb to go)
Glad to hear you doing well, i doing ok just the same exhausted all time. One minute i awake next minute i well away in deep sleep.
Bet you feel better now you got your date through
Well had consultant app yday and they wantin to keep a close eye and give me an extra scan at 18 weeks for babys heart so they can have a good look.

Since my last app id lost 3lb and my blood preesure has gone down! :D x

My Fitness Pal - xSoon2bMrsSlimx

Weight - 15.0 BMI-31.9 (Start 15.7)
Total loss - 7lbs
1st Aim - 14.0 BMI-29.8 (14lb to go)
Thank u cas it was an amazin day!! Iv not been on for a while as been waitin for my phone to be repaired. Hope u are doin well!!
15+6weeks Pregnant

Hi all im back and officially a "mrs" lol
Had the best wedding day ever it was truely amazin :) everything went smoothly and my dress fit perfect.

Im now well into my pregnancy and can now feel the lil one move around :)

Im just one happy lady atm even tho iv probably put on around a stone but im rltoo scared to check lol

Merry Xmas and a Happy New Yr to all my fellow minimins xxx
16+4 weeks pregnant

Aww cas i bet ur ova the moon, iv had one scan and showed evrythn ok that was at 13 wks. Iv anotha one at 18 weeks to hav an indepth look at babys heart and hopefukky find out what sex wer havin. Thats on 16 th so excited. I can feel it movin all the time.
So how far gone r u now? X
beccaharrison89 said:
whats your due date hun?
i think i felt slight movement otHr day bit wasnt sure.cant wait to feel it properly

Heya it 16th june whens urs? U will find u feel it better wen ur relaxin wiv no disturbances lke tv etc, its a lush feelin x