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Lily said:Hello Little-e
That's funny - I was only looking at a post of yours on the Cambridge forum yesterday evening - the one about bingeing? And I nearly nearly wrote something about how maybe you should try JUDDD then thought better of it. Those folk on Cambridge who are doing well shouldn't be tempted away, it's only when you're struggling with Cambridge that you start to wonder whether something else might be better!
So are you going to give JUDDD a whirl? I would highly recommend using Cambridge shakes for down days, though you can of course use real food.Personally, I've found that it's best to keep DDs as boring as possible! The moment I start nibbling a bit of this or that, I'm sunk, so shakes are ideal. I've got myself into a bit of a routine. Strawberry tetra for breakfast, banana tetra for lunch and a chocolate powder shake (made with lots of ice) for tea. And it's working great.
And no - I haven't told my CDC yet. Even by her scales, I'd lost 5lbs last week so she assumed I'd had a perfect SS week, LOL. It'll be less this week, almost certainly. I may have to crack and tell her. I don't think she'll be cross. I've known her since October 2007 (since the first time I did Cambridge and lost 5 and a half stone), so we're old friends now...![]()
Hey well I'd pretty much say judddd was suited to me as I can go mon tue wed thur fri on cd then usually ruin it on the weekends so if I stick to judddd then atleast it can be controlled lol !!! I did text my CDC to tell her I wouldn't be coming this week and that I am finding it too difficult And would like to stick to cc but she has persuaded me to come back and stick to 1000 for a while! We will see how I get on