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I love it when a plan comes together. Go girrl. It's been a stagnant few weeks for folk but seems to be picking up again.
Greeneyes11 said:Okay. Hannah's way is not working for me. For the first time in 10 weeks of JUDDDing I have failed to stick to my days. Finishing eating at 5 is not working coz I had lunch ten felt hungry at 4pm and ate more food as I needed to go through til tomorrow tea time without eating. I then felt I had failed as I had just had 3 meals instead of 2 and then had my dinner and birthday cake. I am now so worried about having put on weight I am going to CD until Sunday. I was doing fine until last week when I did 2 DDDs and because I lost weight when doing that I am frightened of going back to normal JUDDDing because I won't lose weight again. My head is totally screwed again.
Thank you girls for your comments. I was in a bad way last night, I had excrutiating pains in my chest, which I have had before but never that bad and that was due to high blood pressure which I do not have anymore and DH checked it last night. He was really worried as I was sick, was in excrutiating pain and was as white as a ghost. After managing to take Solpadil and ibuprofen, the pain settled down and I eventually got to sleep sometime after 1am. I have had these pains before earlier in the year when my food intolerances started. Milk caused it and I cut out milk for about 4 months having only soya and it settled down. I must admit that when on CD I had these pains in my chest too (only not as bad) probably because they all have milk in them. Yesterday I had coffee with double cream, 2 chocolate bars, Tesco Finest chocolate cake and cheese, so thinking I have overdone it on the dairy again which caused these pains, they had been niggling all day, but I had fallen asleep and the pain woke me up...
Anyway, after reading what you had written and having those pains last night, I have decided not to go back onto CD. I will have today and Friday as DDs and tomorrow as an ID if I can manage it. I really need to control what I eat on an UD. To be honest I dont really eat chocolate normally, only the week before my period is due, so not sure why since starting JUDDD I feel that I have to eat it on every UP day.... very strange. I didn't put on as much weight yesterday as I feared and hoping that today will help sort out a big part of it.
Anyhoos... Saturday - 184.6lb (-2.2lb) -2.4lb
Sunday - Post UUU - 189 lb (+ 4.4lb)
Monday - Post UUD - 187.4lb (-1.6lb) +2.8lb
Tuesday - Post DDU - 187.6lb (+0.2lb) +3lb
Wednesday - Post UD binge - 188lb (+0.4lb) +3.4lb
Thanks for your help....
Hi Linda, couldn't help but have an alarm bell ring in my head reading the above. It sounds a bit like gallstones to me, especially given the amount of cream/fatty foods you consumed. When I had my attacks, after 5 months on CD, it felt like a heart attack and several blue light trips in an ambulance to hospital followedI have never known pain like it or sickness and luckily after having my gallbladder removed two years ago, no problems since...........apart from having the urgent need to go to the loo sometimes. Stiff-legged walks aren't to be recommended, especially when at work lol. Hope you get it sorted out hon. xxx
Greeneyes11 said:Had a good UD yesterday, had less than 1500 calories, not quite an ID but a low UD instead. Today is DD in readiness of weighing tomorrow. Not sure if I should do all day without eating, which I probably could if I really had to, or whether to eat my 500 calories..... just want a STS or loss tomorrow. If I gain, it will be the first gain in 11 weeks.....
Anyhoos... Saturday - 184.6lb (-2.2lb) -2.4lb
Sunday - Post UUU - 189 lb (+ 4.4lb)
Monday - Post UUD - 187.4lb (-1.6lb) +2.8lb
Tuesday - Post DDU - 187.6lb (+0.2lb) +3lb
Wednesday - Post UD binge - 188lb (+0.4lb) +3.4lb
Thursday - Post DD - 187.4lb (-0.6lb) +2.8lb
Friday - Post UD - 185.8lb (-1.6lb) +1.2lb
Can I lose that by tomorrow? We shall see.
Greeneyes11 said:I do normally have Heinz Scotch Broth soup for dinner on a DD, only 162 cals for the whole tin, then follow that with a Jelly for a bit of sweetness.