Gold Member
Most of the gain will be water retention Linda, so I'm sure a couple of fast days will soon get rid of it. I am shocked at how much my weight can increase in a day, esp in lots of alcohol is involved!
Darn it, I forgot its pancake day today...I'm on a DD. Will be dribbling later when making them for daughter, oh well will have to have another pancake day tomorrow as well! You did have a good loss today. :-D Sent from my HTC One X using mobile app
I also had bologna isle .
Hehe, was really confused when I read this, & thought it some fancy dish I'd never heard of! *doh* Yes, it has been a long day! Good luck for WI tomorrow. I am also not expecting a lossBut as you said, better than not doing anything as I would 100% have a big gain if I hadn't had fast days. X
Thankyou hun, I've lost 3lbs very happy with that. Its contributed To no wheat for a week. So I'm going to carry on with it. I've got an intolerance and shouldn't eat it anyway. Just goes to show. Maybe we should all lay off it. Its no good for us. Easier said than done eh? How's u today? Sent from my HTC One X using mobile app