Scales were 14:04 this morning so still one pound up from last official weigh in on Sat... go away extra pound and take some friends with you!!! Really not feeling hopeful for Sat weigh in now, can't imagine there's gonna be much change between now and then, just got to hope for another STS I guess... gutted!!! Not sure what I've done so wrong, yes I had a burger Sun and a chinese Tues, but I totally earnt them in sweat... for fluffs sake!!!
To make matters worse I'm feeling so hungry this evening and I have a devil on my shoulder whispering... if you're not going to lose Sat you might as well find the nearest drive-thru, a happy meal would cheer you up, hense the name... go away maccy d's devil!!!
Breaky was Special K, lunch Pot Noodle (I know, I know, but I didn't have time to go to Tesco's, had a shed load of risk assessments to write!!!), Dinner birds eye simply fish, green veg and a poached egg... snacks were two cans of diet energy drink, wotsits (still love em!), cadbury fingers and cadbury mousse.
Now I know they are not healthy cals, but I've not gone over my limit, if I have to restrict myself to rabbit food and cardboard I'd rather be dead... or really fat... again!!!
The best of it is, the recent weeks of 2lb losses before last weeks STS came after weekends full of naughtiness that had not been earnt by sweating... I don't know what to do... why for the scales not moving?!?!?! DAMN IT!!!!!!! x