Booo naughty scales!!! Chinese is notoriously salty tho so there's a chance it's still water retention? I'll cross my fingers for ya!!
Thanks Legomom, let's hope so!
Don't be downheartened about this. It is merely a stumbling block. We all get times like this where everything plateaus. It is just your bodies way of redistributing water where all the fat you have lost has dissapeared. It is something to do with the body preventing itself from going into shock. I know it can't change the way you feel right now, but the science behind it shows why its happening and if you just persevere the weight will start to shift again once the balance is restored.
The weight you have lost Lindsey is truly inspirational. Keep doing what you are doing it is clearly working. Get rid of those negative demons saying that its pointless. Imagine what advice you would be giving to someone else on minimins with this issue.
Lots of love and positive thoughts :flowers:
And if all else fails have a glass of wine this weekend and think **** it for a couple of hours. XX
Thanks Squeezy... I knew I hated science!!!
I will have to keep an eye on this... 51 pages will take me a while... x
lol!!! thanks for stopping by... I do like to chat s**t!!!
Don't let those scales get you down. I know if I've had chinese it takes me several days to level out again. Just keep going!
P.s and stay away from Maccy D's! (mind you, I could murder a 1/4 pounder and cheese...even now, and its 6.30am!!!)
Thanks Bumble. Glad I'm not the only one who has an unhealthy quarter pounder addiction!!!
Hello Miss dodd..

Hello lovely Shanny, how are you? x
Today has been sooooooooooooo bad food wise!!!
Been at Crown Court, which I hate! I feel so nervous... and I've not done anything wrong, don't know how my kids cope!!!
Due to being at Crown and feeling nervous didn't have lunch, so I've just eaten pretty much a days worth of cals in my evening meal, which is NEVER sensible the day before weigh in... I'm going to be full of food on the scales tomorrow, which means FAT!!! NUTS!!!
On a positive note did a little after work shopping and got some t-shirts that fit (looked like a sack of s**t at court due to having a massive t-shirt on) and a purple bubble hem dress that was only a fiver!!! BARGAIN!!! All size 14's... all tight, but will look fine in a few pounds time... If I ever get round to losing bloody weight again!!!
3lbs away from 5 stone... I want another pandora bead for my necklace... sod off 3lbs!!!
How's everyone else doing? Any fun weekend plans? x