Ahhh thanks so muchOh no don't break Sprinkles1111 you've done so well to get to past day one. I've felt the same tonight whilst cooking for the kids, I'm not hungry but the habit of just having a bite here and there is strong. The hot weather isn't helping with all the smells of BBQ's and Ice creams, but we can keep going, think of the BBQ's afterwards looking all slim and sexy.
My main downfall is wine, I love a glass or two at the weekend and I'm finding that's the biggest habit to break. I thinking that after all this I wont go back to wine and instead opt for a G&T as less calories and I'm not so bothered about it. You never know I might come out of this journey Tee Total
Hubby keeps telling me to focus on what size I'd like to be and imagine the look on peoples faces when we are allowed back in the office again or people I've not seen for a while. I'm looking forward to walking in feeling a million dollars.

Frustrating because I’m finding it so much harder this time and all I want in the world is to lose weight so I should be able to focus! All a learning curve isn’t it. Just need to keep on keeping on. I’ve had a chicken soup shake anyway now so thank u.
that’s good advice from your hubby! I’m going to try and do the same! Did someone mention a WhatsApp group on another thread? Don’t know how to PM number and not sure about putting it on here. Ahhh yes I’m not a massive drinker but mine is chocolate I’m not half missing it. My brother bought me a huge bar before so I’ve chucked it straight in the freezer lol out of site out of mind. G and T is nice and refreshing though. I bloody love a wine in the sun so I never buy it just in case lol xxxxx