Absolutely yes, that’s all that’s keeping me focused at the moment - trying to visualise how I will look and feel in two weeks time and then at end of these four weeks, it’ll be totally worth it
I dislike having to resort to such extreme measures again, but I gained weight on holiday before lockdown and it was slowly going up more each weekI was stuck in a bit of an unhealthy rut of overeating and so needed to take action! Hopefully at the end of this, my eating habits will be reset and as I’ll be slimmer I can start running.
I’d like to lose 14-21lb so I’m planning on doing Lipotrim for four weeks and then see how I feel..... if I can face another two weeks after that then I may as well get on with it and get it over and done with!
How much did you say you wanted to lose?
Ah yes, that will be the best feeling ever!
As bizarre it sounds, I quite enjoy it. I know how drastic and extreme it is but I always end up feeling amazing through out this diet. I completely get the overeating bit though- it was Ramadan so I would fast all day then just snack on junk all night. Was off Lipotrim for a total of 2 months but only gained 6lbs so I’m quite pleased with that. I genuinely thought I’d put on about a stone bc of how rubbish I’d felt!
4 weeks will fly by and I’m sure you’ll reach your goal!

I’m hoping to lose around 3 stones in total. I reckon that would take me 10-12 weeks. I just hope I can last this long