Both of you girls are doing so well.... u two joined up a few weeks after me but have continued it when i stopped so hats off to you and you aree both still going strong and seeing great losses overall.... i can only hope i do as well as you two!!!! As you say, the bigger picture is the one to look at and although you may have low losses one week the chances are its coming off in inches instead!!!! From talking to girlfriends, most find that their weight goes up by a few pounds in the middle of the month too - when they ovulate rather than just at totm so that could explain it maybe. But i totally agree about the water thing... i struggled to drink 2l last time but usually managed it by around 5pm but this time (or in the last 3 days) ive been finishing 3l by 5pm and i think its making a difference and i feel better for it... i dont seem to be peeing any more than i did last time though!! ha ha!!!
Good luck to you both - even though you dont need it