Gold Member
So how about 5 jobs you would LOVE to have...
Mine! (I'm being made redundant!)
Charity event organiser
Dog Trainer
Personal Trainer
5 ways 2015 has been good for you so far (no matter how small!)
So how about 5 jobs you would LOVE to have...
I've just about got my head around being on plan
I've been (slightly) reassured that the love of my life wants me in his life
I've had a weekend at the seaside
I've had a party (well it wasn't called that, but that's kind of what it was) which lots of people seemed to enjoy
(This one is slightly cheating, cos it doesn't happen until this coming weekend, but...)
... I've been able to look forward to going to Prague on Saturday.
5 things that you're positive about right now.
I finally feel positive about being healthy
A TV show I love it back for S2
Losing my job might be the change I need
I am loved
I'm finally getting on better with my MIL
5 people you've seen recently
5 fictional characters you wish were real
Dean Winchester
Lorelai Gilmore
Willy Wonka
Elizabeth Bennet
Fox Mulder
5 celebrities you'd like to question
Whoop - a fellow Gilmore Girls fan!!
And if Lorelai is real - Luke just has to be too...