Yay! Superstar! Very well done, so so pleased for you.
Your going to be buzzing on your hols.
Good luck fasting. Im sure u'll do great again this week.
Have a nice day hun. X
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Where you at littlemiss? I cant see profiles from phone, you must be nearly there. How many WIs till your off?
Im sure you'll do the best you can, your very driven to get what you want.
As for my 1 st award, its been a lot longer than i expected i must say. Saying that ive not seen these numbers on the scales for a long time so i am very pleased. It doesnt matter when i get there id just like it to be in 2014.
Better sort myself out should have been out the door by now. Kids can race to sch. Works everytime! X
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Happy happy happy Littlemiss this morning, all my hard work has paid off!!
2lbs off for me this morning :happy036:
I am so pleased because I've been a bit stuck the last 3 weeks. I am going to do my 48 hour detox as well this week so hopefully I'll get another good loss next week
Good Luck Bubbles on the scales this morning and anyone else I've missed.
What's everyone got planned for today? xx
Yay ! :talk017: WELL DONE LMN !! On your super duper loss ! I'm so happy for youarty0011:
arty0011: . All your hard work has paid off ! Not long now till your 2st award, your doing smashing !
Hope you enjoy the rest of your day hun .
Kay xx
Thanks hun, I feel really proud of myself at the moment. I'm hoping it will continue for the next couple of weeks
How are you? Hope you're having a nice day so far.xx
I'm sure you will be fine on the scales tomorrow and there is always next week to shift any extra
Yes my detox is a bit like a fast. I am going to only eat, fruit, veg and salad and drink water, hot lemon water and green tea for 48 hours. I am hoping it will work well. I will document it step by step for the whole 48 hours and then post it on here.xx
Hope you've had a lovely day.
Im still faffing about with clubs, Im on a high at the moment think the minute I stop for too long Ill be snoring!!!
Make sure you keep yourself healthy for your detox listen to your body, you may not be able to keep up the intensity of the exercise whilst doing it. Be careful littlemiss.
I like to worry about you.![]()
Thanks hun, if it gets too much I will stop straight away. I'm not sure about the exercise, I will see how it goes.
I know what you mean about stopping, I've just took Amy brownies and then went shopping before picking her up from brownies. Now just got home and started cooking dinner. I still need to try and prepare loads of fruit and salad for tomorrow before I go to bed, plus do some more exercises and eat tea, so think it could be a late night!
Hope you've had a good day bubbles.xx
Wow Lmn, really admire your focus, you multi tasker you !Most people would have given up on a few of the things on your list, but your still gonna stay up and make sure it happens ! Hats off to you, that's determination right there. Well done hun
Kay xx
Good evening hun,
How are you this evening?
I've done my exercises and cooked kids dinners, now just waiting for mine to cook before I tackle tomorrows food prep. xx