So, after deicding to stay in the Pumphouse for the time being, we all chatted away and had a lovely relaxing time. Unfortunately Mandy had to leave at around 5.30pm so after saying our goodbyes we headed off to Sharon's hotel room to freshen up. So sorry you had to work Mandy, you definitely would have loved Kappa!
Sharon's hotel room was lovely, she had a great view over the Dock! Hope you remembered to take some photos this morning Sharon.
Off we went to The Cavern. The band were already on stage (just my luck! They've never been on time before! lol) So after squashing up against a few young men (not a very nice thing to have to do when they're all sweaty and smelly!) Jude and I decided to sit down as only being shortar$es all we could see was the backs of heads anyway lol.
We found a little corner and had a freat view of a poor German boy and his dad. The dad was so obviously a huge fan of the songs Kappa were playing - a little bit of Led Zeppelin etc. He was up and down, dancing and singing his heart out just as much as we were! The son? Well Jude and I agreed that we just wanted to grab hold of him and hug him! Bless him! That's the mothering instinct within us I'm afraid.
He wasn't very happy at all and spent much of the time with his fingers in his ears or sitting bored with his hands on his chin lol! He later told me that his dad plays that kind of music all the time but said "It's not for me
The dad explained that he didn't get to spend much time with his son and was excited to be with him and also in Liverpool listening to such a great live band. He'd never heard Kappa before and was already a big fan.
Kappa's set was over so quickly! Where did the time go? Hunger got the better of Jude and I (and the cider eh Jude?
) and we headed off to find somewhere slightly healthier than all those McD's, chips or kebab places. Found a lovely little place that catered for our salad cravings! The waiter was very quick and reminded Jude and I of Fran from Travis, he was even Scottish too! lol
Sarah I'm so jealous that you managed to resist ordering any food! But I also enjoyed my chicken salad as I'd not eaten since breakfast lol.
No sooner had we eaten our food than we had to say goodbye to Sarah as she had to catch the last train back home. So hugs all around for Sharon, who had decided that she wasn't going back to the hotel early ( you're a woman after my own heart! Wish I could've stayed out with you!
) Sarah promised Jude and I that "Sharon can look after herself" and would be fine on her own.
So the three of us rushed towards Lime Street station hoping that Sarah would get her train on time. We made it just in time as the last train was on the platform. More hugs and goodbyes and Jude and I rushed out towards Central Station to catch our trains.
Hope you got home alright in your tipsy state Jude!
Glad to see you arrived home on time Sarah.
Sharon, I hope you had a great time at whatever club/pub you decided to go to! I'm sure that with you attracted plenty of attention, as I said before you're so glamorous you were probably beating the fellas off with a stick lol!
So even though it started out as a big meet-up and ended up as a small one I certainly enjoyed meeting you lovely ladies!
And I'm SO sorry that we didn't get to meet Gill/CDThing and everyone else who couldn't make it. There'll be other meetings eh?