Gold Member
The sand in the beach gets a bit warm but the sand in reception is under cover n they have air con fans on so it's lovely xx
Wishbird007 said:Ar Docs Half hr wait!! Grr :-(
Angelxx2010 said:HeyI love your photo with you on an elephant, looks amazing!! And the Maldives looks beautiful. I would love to go. Oh no that's terrible about your i phone, glad they reduced it a bit! I'm glad you said as I'm going on holiday in a couple of weeks and I'm not planning on taking my phone but my oh wants to take his i phone, Does he need to make sure this roaming device is on? Hope you feel better soon xxxxx
Thanks Hun x
Wen I spoke to phone company Orange a guy there actually said it wasn't worth the faff to take the iphone abroad that I shud leave it at home as the amount I'd charges ppl get for updates/incoming emails/just switching it off wen u not using it helps n if u look at Internet u get charged left right n centre so I would recommend taking just a normal phone with no Internet just so u have one incase of emergency but if ur OH insists then I wud say few wks b4 u go phone ur mobile company for help n tell them about the known fault with the iPhone n the data roaming being automatically turned on if u in a WIfi area then it stays on n u get more charges so u want to make sure data roaming is OFF! N turn off ur 3G n notifications settings n just turn it off wen u not using it Hun x also u can buy bundles from phone company if u need Internet while u abroad apparently x so good luck! x
Angelxx2010 said:Omg what a nightmare! Thanks for letting me know hun. That aint good. I have told oh so he's going to look into itHope you're having a lovely day xxx
CarlyLanky140 said:Aww Hun u had to go to docs! I hope it all works out and results come bk ok xx
azwethinkweiz said:Ah hon that's terrible. Some bosses honestly don't understand about that stuff do they? They think everybody is just fobbing off. Would the doctor give you a note to give your boss? X
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