Gold Member
Jemmalb said:Dinner looks yummy : ) xx
Lol indeed norty but nice x ;-)
Jemmalb said:Dinner looks yummy : ) xx
Jemmalb said:Wow dinners sounds sooo nice just my sorta thing lol xx
Jemmalb said:Aw don't feel fat n fed up feel fabulous instead co that's what u r : ) hope ur feeling better today xx
Wishbird007 said:Aw thanks Hun x
I not too bad today Hun ta just get them days where nothing u wear looks right well that were yesterday! Lol
Hope ur well x
azwethinkweiz said:I have that most days. No really. Did you ever think something looked "okay" then when you catch your reflection later in the day you think "this outfit looks crap on me, what the hell?" Lol. X
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Angelxx2010 said:Hey hunHow you doing? Hope you've been ok and feeling better now xxx
azwethinkweiz said:Healthy day, well done you.
Oh hon... Can only imagine that pain. Is there a painkiller you could take to ease it off for ya? Poor you*hugs* xx
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