Loves Minimins!
Awwwww I'm so sorry
that's awful!!!! X
Biggest hugs hun.. That's awful.. Glad you were out tho.. Burglars of today are very violent n don't care how they hurt people.. Hope you're OK.xxWe've bin burgled today, cum.home to police waiting for us. The ******** have taken all my gold jewellery inc. Engagement n eternity rings n our safe with our passports!!!! !@#$%&*
I'm sad ;-(
Dubchick81 said:I take it ur havin ignition on bike changed seen as they hav the keys? What a pain!!
I kno what u mean about sentimental value. I have my mams engagement and eternity rings n hav them hidden in a drawer in my room, not the safe!!
Wishbird007 said:Yeah it's gonna cost £1300!!! Xx Oo yeah it defo makes u think about your personal things in ur house n I am suspicious about everything now x
Dubchick81 said:Isn't it covered on the insurance??
Auburn said:Eurgh MONDAY AGAIN!!
Hope you have a good day today Missus! x
CarlyLanky140 said:Horrible horrible peopleHugs! Hope u are getting things sorted xxx
Auburn said:Hey Liz,
hope you're doing ok, it can take a few days to feel back to normal. The new alarm, and door locks will definitely help though, yeah
Excited for your new job start? Does this mean you get away from Cruella?x
Auburn said:That is the best thing I have read all day, that you're getting away from She Who Must Not Be Named
Anything exciting planned for the weekend?x
Auburn said:That is the best thing I have read all day, that you're getting away from She Who Must Not Be Named
Anything exciting planned for the weekend?x