Thanks hun x Oo they vile, really horrid I not too bad now just got a headache!
All stupid ppl at work who r dying for me to fall of my diet have said i had migraine cos of shakes n theres not enuf nutrients blah blah! So I said I don't think it's that cos it's my first one in 7 weeks! Dumb women! Grr x
Gym is worse place for a headache lovey! lol it's my day off so I am glad I have had one today lolz x
I usually need darkness managed to sit it out in the ladies loo n had my shake then i felt ok! Then I got from em, u should eat something normal! I wasn't hungry so I just had my shake as normal x ppl annoy me x
Thanks for some proper support xx
I hate when people try to put you off your diet, my mum and overweight friends are always like that. When I lost two stone on slimming world before people were saying don't be losing any more weight- must have been jealousy because I was still overweight. Luckily I have minimins, boyfriend and sister for support that's all I need