Lizz's "to Inslimity and beyond" diary

Oh Liz, have only just caught up with your diary after arriving back here...... please, please dont stay away, we want to be here to help support you, as KD says, use the packs for nutrition, its a great idea. Please come and let us know how you are getting on....
creeping back sheepishly.....


2 weeks long binge to "PROVE" i dont have an eating disorder....ironic hhmmmmm!

Feel like poo today, so DH has done me breakfast (muesli and 1% milk) and my lunch (chicken, mash, sweetcorn and brocolli)....
thinking some ryvita and cheese for dinner....if i can be bothered to get out of bed!

I must be about 3 stone heavier than goal, i hate myself, my body, my mind! ME + CD = NIGHTMARE!

Still really cross with my CDC! Hateful *****!
Really tempted to shop her in because not only does she have the sympathy/understanding of a napkin, but she also bragged to other people about how much weight i'd lost.....specifics! Now i thought that was breech of client confidentiality and all that!

But thats just me being bitter i think!

I'm going to be simple! Back to basics!
I'm gonna write everything down and see where i go from here!

Lizz, the binge thing can be a part of an eating disorder... did you call the bEAT people? I am sure they could help.
You also need to stop labelling yourself a failure... that kind of beating yourself up just sets you up to go on punishing yourself with food, or by with-holding it. I do know where you are coming from hun but please let us know you have some expert support and back-up...

Hey Lizz, good to see you around. Thirded on getting the correct support from the experts. And on not being a failure, no way. Take care of you x
tried beat, useless....tried Dr's, told to do WW!
Spiralling out of control and hating how fat i am!
Doctors can be rubbish sometimes. I remember going to see my GP cos I was depressed and he referred me to a schizophrenia charity! There should be charity organisations around you (or even national ones) that could help. Sometimes (and its always the wrong time!) you have to search out the support you need. You will find a way out of this. xxx
Hang in there hon......... Please please stop beating yourself up, you are no failure, you have come so far you really need to get support.
You are not fat, look at your pictures, see how far you have come...
Chin up sweetie, I wish there was more I could say to help you..
Take care of yourself and please find the support you need.
love & hugs Marissa x
bEAT is the major national UK charity for eating disorders of all kinds... anorexia, bulimia, binge-eating & more.... they used to be the Eating Disorder Association. I am surprised they were no help - they help thousands of people every year and their phone counsellors are all trained & know what they are talking about. Their website alone has lots of really useful and supportive advice and info.

Not too sure what your doctor was thinking, though...

I'd try both bEAT & the doctors again & be calm but assertive, explain what the situation is and ask for advice/support/counselling. Help really is out there Lizz.

Good luck.

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I will be brief, Lizz and I have got to know each other better and have been emailing for sometime about our issues.

I have gone thru a period of bullimia and it is ironic how we both started the same, got to goal, lost sight of it and developed problems with food.

I am returning to WW and have to say goodbye to CD as I am not in a very good place at the moment and struggling to change my cycle of food=fat.

Good Luck to anyone on their journey, I have seen the good and bad side of being overweight and VLCD, so I won't preach.

Just to say if you do get to goal, try hard to them learn from what you have been taught and learn that food in moderation + excersize is the only way to go !

Hi Lizz, just caught up, thinking of you and supporting you all the way. xx
Hi Lizz, hoping you will find the help you need really soon, definately try bEAT again, and may be worth seeing a different doctor if you have that option, maybe a woman doctor who would understand better than a man...
Keep in touch Lizz, when you can. We all want to know how you are. xxx
phew! its been a LONG time gone! Just thought i would pop on to see you all and give you an update on the situation!

I have stopped starving myself and now seemed to have found peace and balance with my food.

I still use CD, during the day, and then i have an evening meal that is wheat free (as it seems im not intollarent to the stuff) and usually low carb.

I wont tell you that im 11 stone and a perfect BMI becuase im not!
Although that is classed as healthy, its a) impossible to maintain and b) made me a size where i looked ill!

I'm about 12 9 i think at the moment (going on clothes as i dont weigh myself), a beautiful size 12 and finally coping with food!

I had some chip shop chips last night, added a tuna salad and ate that bit first and didnt eat as many of the chips. I had some giant buttons, and put them away after i'd had enough and stopped noticing that i was eating them which seems to be my issue....i eat without noticing!!

Monday - friday are days where i am more controlling about my food, and weekends im a little more flexible.
I am having another tuna salad tonight for dinner with some stir fried prawns! YUM!

I start a new job in 8 weeks time too! The plan was to SS until then, but im just not unhappy enough! Ok, so my jeans are a little snug, but hay, they are a size 10...they're gonna be snug on my size 12 body!

I bought a dress yesterday from New Look....they have a pussycat dolls range and there was a dress in khaki green that i instantly fell in love with...size Small so i put it back....then after another walk round the store, i went back and picked it up and bought it! Tried it on last night and it is beautiful! It is cut perfectly under my bust and makes my waist look tiny! THAT was my defining moment!

Would i like to go back to my size 8/10 frame...yeah i suppose, but am i prepared to put myself through the emotional drama again? HELL NO!

When i started CD, i was a size 18 and weighed nearly 18 stone! I NEEDED to lose weight! Now, im just like other women you see on the street! I have a bit of padding here and there, but still a 12, so how can that make me unhappy?

I think i have spent so long dreaming about that 11stone 25BMI that i had lost sight of how far i had come, and now i remember dreaming about being a size 12 and how i never thought i would get here!

I dont think i consume more than 1200 cals as a rule each day....but then at the weekends, if i want a curry, im having a damn curry! I make better choices now (no naans for me) but i enjoy it and move on!

I'm finally at a place that i think i can call "normal" and i will keep doing what i am doing and see where i end up! :)

CD is now no longer a method of dieting, but now its just a meal replacement for when i'm at work (and i much prefer it to any of the highstreet crap like slimfast etc)

I have written my own rules, becuase that is what "normal" people do! :D

Its been over a year since i started CD, and i dont feel like a failure anymore! Being told and seeing how ill i looked at goal, i'm glad i have a bit more flesh on my bones! I still want my tummy tuck and boob job (esp as i am now a 34C from a 38DD) and i truely believe that they will make a difference to my general body shape becuase the excess skin does make me look a lot fatter than i am, but its not going to happen anytime soon so i'll muddle on with this body! Its mine and it just needs some love!!

Well said Lizz, I'm so glad you are in a happy place now :) I am the same really, I am size 12 bottom and 10 top and yes I would love to be a size 10 bottom but its not worth starving myself over and I look ok as I am, my husband loves me as I am, he would hate to see me get bigger but actually doesn't want me to get smaller!!!

Well done you.

Well done Liz, so glad to hear things are now sorting themselves out and you are happy with where you are...

I have started CD SS this week to get back down to my size 8 that I was last summer when I finished CD, but you know what, by yesterday lunch time (5 days SS) I was so so unhappy that I decided to give it up and lose the extra BMI weight slowly, have less than a stone to lose but was so obsessed with getting back into my size 8 jeans that I was happy to starve myself to do it.... just before reading your post I said to hubby, I am going to Tesco tomorrow and buying a size 10 or 12 jeans (whichever fit) and I am going to wear them, if I lose the weight to get to a size 8 that would be good, but is a size 8 sustainable over a period of time, a size 10 or 12 would be much better... so fingers crossed I had a revelation this morning and your post has backed it up and I want to be where you are now...

Thanks for letting us know how you are doing.... you really are an inspiration....
Hi Liz, So good to hear from you and really pleased for you that you have found a happier calmer place with food and self-image.
Fabulous post, you're an inspiration!
