Hi Guys
Long time no speak, I really have been abandoning my diary. I have been so busy I've just not managed to get on an update. I have popped in and out of minimins but I really am overdue a catch up on everyone's diaries.
So whats been happening since my last update? It was my birthday on the 11th and I had a lovely day but not very SW friendly day (in fact I went mental food wise, especially with Mini Eggs - they are my weakness!) So I was over the moon with a maintain at last Tuesday's WI. However for the past three weeks I had only been following the plan half heartedly, so have taken the desicion to be a good girl this week and so far, so good. I would really like to lose three and half pounds this week to get to my 1.5 stone award. WI is tomorrow so we shall see...I'll keep you all updated. Hope everyone is ok, right now to check up on everyone else's diaries!!