LJ's daily thread

Hi Auburn! It's been a hectic weekend, then I've been working at other parts of the country so I've not had chance to post much recently... But I'm still counting the calories carefully and I lost a pound according to the scales this morning. I've been a bit (TMI...) bunged up the past few days so that probably hasn't helped!

I did a radio interview on Tuesday! It's on iPlayer at the moment, you can hear it here:
BBC iPlayer - Neil Green and Diane Youdale: 10/11/2009

Skip on to 1h20m and I'm on for a while...

I haven't ran for a couple of days; Tuesday was a rest day but I got dragged 130 miles across the country to work yesterday so I didn't get my run done then either. So I'll be heading out this morning as soon as my breakfast has settled (two Weetabix with fat free yogurt, ~210 calories).

I'm not looking for rapid weightloss now, I'm done with that. As long as my weight come down gradually as my fitness level increases then that'll do for me :D

Is it your first gym session? It'll be fine! In fact, it'll probably be more than fine, you really get into it once you're going.

Have you got a session with one of the trainers? It'll really help if you can get them to tailor a fitness programme for you :D
Well hello Lj,
I've been a bit lax lately at counting my calories so haven't been on mini's lately but so glad to see that you are still doing great. Love the new photo.....looking very trim indeed.
I've still got those last few stubborn pounds to lose too, but it's proving difficult.....almost like i can just reach it but self sabbotage rears it's ugly head.
Anyway, i'm back with renewed determination and upping my fitness a bit.

Look forward to reading more of your progress
'morning DM!

Well, I've been a bit lax in posting my calories; I'm still doing it though :D

I've upped to 2000 calories now, I need extra fuel due to my running efforts. I'm increasing the distance, I'm hoping to be running 3.2 miles 4 times a week by the second week of December, so I'll be upping the calorie intake again to around 2500 just to cope with that!

So basically I'll be living like I should be: a 'normal' diet and plenty of exercise :D

Fitness is *good* DM, I'm feeling loads better for it!

I think we need an updated pic of you, since you've not been on a while! :D
Well done on the commitment to do running. It's something i have always wanted to do but honestly i'm just no good at it. I attempted to do the couch to 5k program, but i gave up after the first go because i just couldn't take it. I guess it's something you are really good at or just aren't!

Will try an upload some piccies when i reach goal :)
That is a really useful forum LJ - I have just started running. My short term aim is to run 5km in 30 mins I only have little legs! Then I will move onto 10km in 60 mins!

Me tonight

4.18km 30 mins
Aww I bet they're cute :D You should sign up on the forum, I've been getting some useful advice and I also like the training blog to keep track of my miles.
That looks like an interesting program Jim, looks like you start at a much more steady pace, where as the one i did (once) was something like 1 minute running followed by 90 seconds walking and so on.

Will definately look into it again. Thanks