LJ's Journey to be Slim by Sixty

Fat2go, of course it is your business! Please do join in with anything we talk about on here. The more discussion we have the more likely we are to understand what is going on in our heads. I would very much like to hear what you have to say. So jump in and know that you are very welcome, as is anyone else who may be lurking and reading this thread.

Well I am off to weigh in very shortly. I am resigned to the fact that I may not see what I am hoping for when I step on the scale, but also glad that this SW week will be over and I can do better for the coming week. Will report back later.
Oh dear, upndown, it never rains but it pours. I hope you are managing to cope with all that life is throwing you right now. Keep your eye on the prize and keep taking care of you. My thoughts are with you, sending you the support you need to keep going. I am a virtual friend helping wherever help is needed. And brilliantly well done on losing 3.5lb! That is amazing!

On a lighter note, I lost half a pound this week which has given me a boost. Happy that even on a less than perfect week I have still lost weight. I deem to lose 1.5lb next week though. Will try and fit in some walking and also try to stick to proper meals.
Fat2go, of course it is your business! Please do join in with anything we talk about on here. The more discussion we have the more likely we are to understand what is going on in our heads. I would very much like to hear what you have to say. So jump in and know that you are very welcome, as is anyone else who may be lurking and reading this thread.

Firstly - well done on the 0.5lb this week - as I said, keep it up!! (or down as the case may be)

Yes, as I said, I found your whole thread very interesting. Picking the bones out of it (as they say) there were a few things that jumped out of me as I read. You say in your very first post "I know it's going to work" < I feel you must keep repeating this to yourself, over and over and over. Do not lose any of the belief you were feeling when you wrote that post.

Post 16 is interesting where you seem to be making excuses before you've even gotten to your usual group - re the scales being calibrated differently etc. However, I don't see it as getting your excuses in early but more that you find it hard to believe you've done so well and you're succeeding. You know the old thought..'This is me, this is LJ...I don't do well when I'm trying these things, it's only other people who do that well.' Then move on to post 36 where you're rightfully chuffed at losing 2.5lbs - this, interestingly, after being weighed at your usual group where the scales will be more accurate...So why not say 'Oh, I was wrong before, the scales are right and I have done even better than I thought'. ... LJ, when you do fantastic things, you are allowed to be praised because you do deserve it!!

Post 26 where you say "I couldn't be bothered to make dinner." ..I thing you should see that as a warning sign. Those are the days where you have to push through that and force yourself to make dinner or to eat properly. Why? Because there will be other days where that same feeling will be on the back of a crap day (in general) and you'll fall off the wagon and order take-away or similar.

Post 45 and the Sabotage demons...I know where you're coming from here but I really thing you should focus on those feelings and get to the bottom of them before the demons come out to get you. Must have a safety valve in place LG because those demons are way too powerful for you if you're not fully prepared for them.

Post 55 - The last paragraph/sentence ... Again, that's a warning sign right there...You have to be stronger than those who have no understanding of how you feel. This is about you LG- not even your closest friends should influence any sort of sabotage. It's early days and I think you need to be firmer and say no. There's temptation at every turn some days but you can resist...I believe you're strong enough.

Post 67 says a great deal, or at least one sentence does..."I added the extra ingredient otherwise it'd just be wasted." Hmmm, that says a lot to me too and I can relate to it. How many times have I cleared a plate, not because I was hungry but because it would be a waste to throw it away. It's not necessary how healthy any particular ingredient is but it's the principle - make sense?

Post 75..."Driven to snacking" ...You almost say this as a throw away line but I'm interested in what you mean...Driven by what and why and to snack on what?

Please, please don't think any of the above is a personal attack, it's not at all. I recognise a lot of what you say actually- I've said it myself before now! You're very obviously a wonderful person who has a very giving nature but perhaps lacks a little bit of self-belief there somewhere? You're wonderful and you deserve to be happy and I believe you're made of the right stuff to, not only go all the way, but to drag many people with you. You have the power to inspire others LG, you're that sort of character. So carry on regardless, keep doing what you've done so far and if and when you need an olive branch then I, as well as others, are here to give you said branch.
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Hi LJ - Well done on your 0.5 loss - as you say it's a loss after a tough week - doesn't it make a difference? I think it's tough to have a maintain but for me a gain is sooo disappointing - more in myself than the figure on the scales! Glad you sound focussed about next week - let's try and do that together - I'm going to plan the meals and shop 2moro - then get my SW head on.

Thank you for your concern and how like you start your thread before telling us about your WI and plans. I appreciate your kind support. :)

As you've said previously, let's make this our year - with the amount we have to lose I guess this isn't going to be our sole wobbly week - but's let's focus on the positives!
Wow Fat2Go - that was powerful stuff - I've been corresponding with LJ22 for a couple of weeks and found her to be supportive, inspiring and good fun! And agree she deserves to put herself first and to be kinder to herself and see herself as we see her! I visit this thread regularly so I look forward reading your posts and wish you well with your weight loss.

See LJ you've got at least 2 people here on your side!
Well!! Fat2Go I guess I did ask for that! LOL. Thank you for taking time to write such a comprehensive post. You make some very interesting and very encouraging points. Are you a psychologist or something?

I need a little time to assimilate everything you said and will respond as time allows but I will confirm that I still believe I will be successful this time even if it is a long slow journey. In fact I think I WANT it to be a slow steady reduction in my weight so that I have time to get accustomed to each stage rather than I end up with a body which my mind does not identify with. Having said that, right now, the image in my mind of how my body id, is not a slim person, but nore is it a body as overweight as I am. I get quite a shock when I see a reflection of myself and I think Whoa! Am I really that fat?

Thanks again for your input and I hope you will stick around and continue the discussions because this is exactly what I need to get to grips with this for good.

Upndown, good to hear you are determined to be more organised this week, as am I. No wobbles for us this week. My weekly menu and shopping trips run from Sunday to Sunday although I have run out of Muller Lights. I think I am addicted! Might try freezing them as others have said they make a good substitute for icecream and it would slow down my consumption. Would you be interested in us posting our planned dinners for the week ahead? Maybe we would get ideas from each other and avoid getting bored with the same old, same old.

I have a busy work day today again. Busy days are good because I get no opportunity to stray from the plan. I am hopeful I will not need to work so late that dinner is a takeaway tonight. BUT if that happens I will take strength from my friends here and say NO, I will eat when I get home even if it is late. I keep a bag of apples for afternoon snacks at work so I have no reason to starve. Without giving too much personal info, I do two jobs, both pretty stressful. My mornings involve a lot of driving and visiting people in their homes. My afternoons are spent in one place and it is those afternoons that are unpredictable in length. However, I have started batch cooking so that I always have a pre-prepared dinner to heat up if I am short of time. I really have no excuses. I enjoy cooking. My biggest problem is that stress causes inactivity but that is a discussion for another time.

Have a great day everyone and I look forward to hearing from you.
Hi LJ22 - thanks for your reply - here's my reply to you!

I've tried freezing Mullers but they just went so solid I'd have needed an ice axe to get at it and when they started to thaw, the water and milk separated!

I mentioned this at a SW class and was advised to put the Muller in the freezer and wait till it started to freeze then stir it regularly - like an ice cream maker I guess - result delicious I esp like banana, toffee and all the varieties with tiny specks of choc in them. But as you've mentioned you like cooking you may be able to give me some more tips on bulk freezing them?

Glad to see you're going to stand your ground on the takeaway front - go girl - 2014 IS THE YEAR!

Like the idea of batch cooking too - such a good feeling to have something on plan on those days when life doesn't go to plan. I do this in fits and starts if I'm honest.

Yes to posting our weekly dinners - perhaps others will too? Mine are a bit mundane as I have to be in the mood to cook! Here's this week's offering:-

Thurs - savoury pasta - like a Bolognese sauce but with more veg and herbs (anything I have in really) served with any pasta - simples! We've just eaten it and got compliment from hubby - u can tell he's easily pleased.

Friday - as above - we don't mind eating the same thing twice!

Saturday - lamb steaks with SW or frozen roasties (dep on how I feel) with loads of veg

Sunday - eating out - so must be careful with WI coming up by then!

Monday - SW quick chicken curry & rice - yummy - if you'd like this basic recipe - happy to post

Tues - as above -

Weds - oven baked haddock - SW or frozen chips (again dep on how I feel) and peas

Have you tried the SW paella - it's really fab - again happy to post if u fancy and it's no longer on web/u don't have it

I was too chuffed too soon reg my 'lucky' WI yest - my scales told me I'd stayed the same this morning even tho' I moved the scales across every square inch of the bathroom (know I need to stop that - but 1 day at a time eh?). So I've been pretty careful today .... so far
Hi LJ (and Upndown)

Psychologist? no lol - far from it. It's just sometimes people say certain things and I can see it's a lot deeper than just surface.


I'm sat here stuffed full of good SW food and wondering how one can lose weight eating that much lol. I'm going to spend one day over the weekend going through every single recipe on here, cut/paste them and make up a big folder full. Must be some great things on there to make. I only looked at a few the other day and I want to try the cheese scones immediately!

Hope you had a good day, albeit a busy one and hoping you're proud re the take-away thing :) I've only had 6 syns today. I'm going to have one of those Greek Style Muller Light yogs in a bit - they soooo nice...I have two packs of Lemon ones in the fridge!

This week's gone quickly really and I'm glad it's Friday tomorrow - liking my weekends off when they come along.

So, stay strong, stay focussed and keep believing....
Confession time *hangs head low*.... When I shopped last Sunday I bought one of those boxes of wine. Big mistake. It has been far too tempting, calling me from the fridge. I have drunk it all! Very disappointed and ashamed. Annoyed with myself. I have stuck to plan with food then blown it on syns. I justified it to myself with the excuse of being so stressed right now over something I cannot talk about here.

So, today is a new start. No alcohol shall pass my threshold for as long as possible. I wont say a particular time span because I would be setting myself up to fail. If I really feel a need for a glass of wine I pledge it will only be on a weekend evening and I will only buy one of those little quarter size bottles which is enough for a glass full.

I feel under the weather today. Headache, thirsty, guilty, ashamed. But! With the brilliant support of others who understand I am going to start again today. Drawing a line under the past. Putting it behind me. I start work a little later today so I will get my menu planned for the rest of this week and for next week and will post it here. I want to lose 1.5lb this week. I know I can do it. I will try to walk at least one mile a day. Surely I can find time for that?

I will be back a little later to post my menu and to respond to your posts above. Have a lovely day my friends!
Planned menu.

Friday: chicken curry, rice (previously batch cooked and in freezer).
I bought a bag of finely chopped mixed veg from Sainsburys. It has onion, celery and carrot. I am going to add it to things like the rice tonight, and my spag bol etc to increase my intake of superfree foods.

Saturday: lamb stew (from freezer) with boiled baby potatoes and extra veg.

Sunday: (shopping day) roast chicken (going to buy a whole chicken), SW roast potatoes (havent tried making these yet), veg, gravy
I am going to batch cook some bolognaise sauce today while I have time. Running out of freezer space though!

Monday: chicken, veg, boiled potatoes
The rest of the chicken I will probably freeze in gravy for another day.

Tuesday: Veg chilli (from freezer, previously batch cooked), rice

Wednesday: After WI. LF sausages, beans, LF oven chips

Thursday: oven baked fish in foil, veg, potatoes

Friday: lamb stew (from freezer), rice or potatoes

Saturday: spag bol (from freezer), sprinkle of grated cheese

Lunches will be homemade soup (absolutely loving it and its easy to heat up in a hurry) with homemade spelt bread, a weighed 60g slice HexB.

Breakfasts are muller light and fruit.

Snacks are fruit.

Not sure about syns. The above is like my menus when I was at Mum's and I didnt really want anything else so didnt have many syns. I know we are supposed to have our syn allowance but no idea what to use them on. Any suggestions? It seems kind of silly to eat for the sake of it.
Hi LJ22

In my book at least - no need to consider a few drinkies a hanging offence you know - we're all human and have failings but here we're ready to address them and we're bound to have a few slip ups along the way.

Please try not too feel ashamed either, I'd say it's natural to feel annoyed with yourself but not ashamed - come on now that word's used for much bigger misdemeanours!

Good idea to keep temptation at bay - I can only house up to 10 syns of choc form here!

Glad to see you end on a positive note and hope you're happier with today's progress.
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Thank you upndown. I am having a good day today. Had an apple for breakfast and went for a 2 mile walk before work. I have just had some soup and spelt bread for lunch and a glass of sugarfree squash. So far so good! I am shortly off to see my accountant to finalise my business accounts for last year. Not a fun way to start the afternoon! Then off to work and will turn down any suggestkion of takeaway if we work late. I still feel strong and determined. How are you doing today?
Hi LJ - glad to hear today's been much better for you. You ask how mine was - SW wise - fine ..so far..so good.

But fuming with solicitor - he asked me to clear house by mid Jan in order to complete Mum's house sale - well he's emailed today saying he's put completion date back to Feb 7 as he had a 2 wk Christmas hol - purchasers not pleased as they're keen to get in. If only he'd told me earlier I wouldn't have been working round the clock and end up cream crackered!
Hey :)

Don't worry about the over eating/drinking of syns with the wine thing...It happens and this is a long term plan and is not ruined by one little slip up. Back on the road straight away and you're fine :)

Re the syn question. I have a large carton of OJ 100% pure in the fridge. Large glass is four syns and also, if I'm having spag bog or chilli or similar, I use up some syns by having a load of extra cheese grated on top. 1 syn to every 5g with cheddar. I have up to 60g on my food sometimes (that's using 30g of it as Hex A). Another I love to have is a frozen Curly Wurly...out of the freezer, break it into a load of pieces (whilst in the wrapper) and then eat. Can nibble on that for ages just having smaller pieces.

Hope your stress levels have receded this evening, stress is so bad for you :( hugs if it helps
Hi LJ - glad to hear today's been much better for you. You ask how mine was - SW wise - fine ..so far..so good.

But fuming with solicitor - he asked me to clear house by mid Jan in order to complete Mum's house sale - well he's emailed today saying he's put completion date back to Feb 7 as he had a 2 wk Christmas hol - purchasers not pleased as they're keen to get in. If only he'd told me earlier I wouldn't have been working round the clock and end up cream crackered!

That is so unfair of your solicitor not to tell you sooner. I am sorry you have to wait a few more weeks to get things finalised. Did you get the house cleared yet or is there still some to do? Even if you have maybe you can treat yourself to a day off doing something you enjoy.
Hey :)

Don't worry about the over eating/drinking of syns with the wine thing...It happens and this is a long term plan and is not ruined by one little slip up. Back on the road straight away and you're fine :)

Re the syn question. I have a large carton of OJ 100% pure in the fridge. Large glass is four syns and also, if I'm having spag bog or chilli or similar, I use up some syns by having a load of extra cheese grated on top. 1 syn to every 5g with cheddar. I have up to 60g on my food sometimes (that's using 30g of it as Hex A). Another I love to have is a frozen Curly Wurly...out of the freezer, break it into a load of pieces (whilst in the wrapper) and then eat. Can nibble on that for ages just having smaller pieces.

Hope your stress levels have receded this evening, stress is so bad for you :( hugs if it helps

Fat2Go, thank you for helping me get the wine thing in perspective. You are right, it was a little slip up and not the end of the world. In a way it served as a good lesson for me.

It's kind of strange how little cheese I eat these days even though I absolutely adore it. The only thing I have it on is baked potatoes and spag bol and i stick to half a healthy A so that I can use the other half for a couple of cups of tea in the morning. I suppose I could have more and use some syns on that. Although I love chocolate, it doesn't love me. I get severe migraine with even the teeniest taste so I have to avoid it.

As for the stress, I had a bit of a shock when my accountant told me how much my tax bill is! But hey ho, life goes on. Only 197 more days until I move to Mum's and walk away from this stress.

i really appreciate your support and words of wisdom. I hope your day was good and thanks for the hug, it does help. :)
hi - thx 4 ur reply - house clear apart from a few more bits for the charity shop - and a fridge freezer & mini skip 2 b picked up next week - whew!!

minimal syns 4 me today - need at least 2 off next week - u reminded me about frozen mullerlight - so having one tonight- I used a mullerlight with choc flakes and added frozen berries which are helping it to freeze quicker (yippee!) I'm stirring it frequently and can't resist a taste each time - so there may not be much left by the time I serve it up!

Yes we're planning a day out on Sunday - we live near the coast and a National Park so a nice walk wd be good + lunch out - if weather permits - what are you planning?