Hi everyone, I've been debating whether to post this post as I feel like I'm being silly but here goes.. I'm a member on another forum (Not sure if I can mention the name, but it's a mum based one) and the past few weeks I've been torturing myself by reading other people's labour/birth stories. Some are great, some are not. I know I shouldn't be torturing myself reading them but some are frightening. I haven't told anyone yet but I'm absolutely terrified of giving birth. I keep telling myself to keep thinking of the end result but it's so difficult to do that right now, I can't wait to meet her but it's doing everything else involved to get to that point which is scaring me. I keep having nightmares, particularly one's that involve her getting stuck and her breaking a bone on the way out. (Sounds far fetched, but this isn't even one of the worst ones I've had) I woke OH up the other night screaming in my sleep, I woke up sweating and crying. I am off to an antenatal class on Wednesday to see if that can help me. I've wanted to go to one for ages but they say to wait until 8-10 weeks before you're due. Am I being silly? Probably. I imagine it's completely normal but my hormones are all over the place right now so everything seems much worse than it probably is. I've been trying to have some herbal tea before bed which seems to be helping, but giving birth is all I think about so no wonder I'm dreaming about it. I want to be as calm as possible in labour, stressed mum = stressed baby.I'm dreading packing my hospital bag as it will all seem much "realer" then. I bet I'll look back at this post in 2 months time and cringe!! I'm supposed to be excited but I'm terrifiedx
Hi everyone, I've been debating whether to post this post as I feel like I'm being silly but here goes.. I'm a member on another forum (Not sure if I can mention the name, but it's a mum based one) and the past few weeks I've been torturing myself by reading other people's labour/birth stories. Some are great, some are not. I know I shouldn't be torturing myself reading them but some are frightening. I haven't told anyone else but OH yet but I'm absolutely terrified of giving birth. I keep telling myself to keep thinking of the end result but it's so difficult to do that right now, I can't wait to meet her but it's doing everything else involved to get to that point which is scaring me. I keep having nightmares, particularly one's that involve her getting stuck and her breaking a bone on the way out. (Sounds far fetched, but this isn't even one of the worst ones I've had) I woke OH up the other night screaming in my sleep, I woke up sweating and crying. I am off to an antenatal class on Wednesday to see if that can help me. I've wanted to go to one for ages but they say to wait until 8-10 weeks before you're due. Am I being silly? Probably. I imagine it's completely normal but my hormones are all over the place right now so everything seems much worse than it probably is. I've been trying to have some herbal tea before bed which seems to be helping, but giving birth is all I think about so no wonder I'm dreaming about it. I want to be as calm as possible in labour, stressed mum = stressed baby.I'm dreading packing my hospital bag as it will all seem much "realer" then. OH said I should go on a girly day out sometime in the next few weeks and pamper myself, might try and arrange something. I wish I could meet some of you girls! I bet I'll look back at this post in 2 months time and cringe!! I'm supposed to be excited but I'm terrifiedx
So sorry to hear you are so worried about the birth, I have not had a child yet and must admit part of the reason is I can not imagine doing it as I too would be feeling what you are now but the whole time as I am a massive worrier. I have however worked in childcare for 12 years and heard a lotttt of birth stories some taking two paracetamol a few pushes and baby is there, others much more complicated, but what I can say and the reason I am writing is that they all told me - be as prepared as you can be in terms of options to help you feel better, but at the time you will decide everything as your labour progresses, - you will feel pain but you will have lots of support and all women manage to get their babies out - the minute the baby is on your chest you feel no pain and are so happy it makes your journey completely worth it They have all made me realise that while it is a scary and painful experience remember it is short term and the instant your baby is her and long term experiences far out way it, you also see lots of women go on to have many more children x As you are having nightmares I would recommend taking ten minutes before bed to try and meditate and think you can do this, your body is designed for it and you will soon have your little girl in your arms as this might help you to relax x Women who are Mums on here may have better advice I hope, but I saw no one had commented and didn't want you to feel alone x
Hello fellow mummy to be. Your bump looks amazing! How are u feeling...apart from terrified about labour lol!
I try not to think about it but just now I still cant believe this is actually happening. I mean baby is very much wanted and we did try...for the grand total of 23 days lol but everything just seems so airy fairy and cosmetic. Like my placenta is anterior so I cant really feel baby all that often and I only 24wks so a pattern hasnt been established for movements etc and I'm lookin/buying all these cute things and decorating nursery I just feel like one day I'm gonna be 40wks pregnant and the next I'm gonna have a baby thats totally dependant on me. I cant wait right enough as I dont know if its boy/girl so it'll be exciting nearer the time to meet my son or daughter.
I havent read all ur posts. Have u thought of a name?
We're in Cornwall currently, it's been lovely here. Come home on Monday nightSo today has been completely off plan! crisps, chocolate, cake, pizza... the list goes on. I'm not going to dwell on it though, I've only gained 1st9lbs so far and I'm 32 weeks which I think is pretty good