Hi everyone, so now I've had time to sit down and digest what has happened the past few days.
On Saturday night me and the OH had a blazing row, it all started over something stupid and somehow turned into a full on fight. Anyway he said he was off to stay at a friends house for the night and tbh I didn't want him here anyway so I was happy with that.
Then on Sunday morning he text me to say he was on his way home and that he wanted to have a talk with me. I assumed he meant the usual say sorry and make up. He got home and told me he's been seeing another woman for 7 months, just came straight out with it like it was nothing. I felt like I had been stabbed in the stomach. I couldn't believe it. How could he do this? We're having a baby in 5 weeks time.
All the times he's been "working late and working the weekend" apparently he's been with her, meaning he was with her the weekend of my baby shower and one of my scans too. I'm absolutely heartbroken and I don't know what I'm going to do. I'm pregnant and could give birth any day now, I can't cope on my own but I can't bare to be with him any more, the trust has been shattered and he's not the man I fell in love with. I think I mentioned a few months back that I thought he was acting off (which was when I booked a trip away to the lakes just before Christmas) and now it all makes sense. I think the fact that it all started AFTER he found out I was pregnant makes this worse? I thought he was happy.
I asked him why and he said it was because we weren't "as close" any more, we've had sex almost every night up until this weekend when I found out (and even when I was in and out of hospital every day) I cooked, cleaned for him. I booked us breaks away every now and then, I don't get it, to me we've been no different? Our sex was unprotected too so he could have potentially put our baby at harm as well as myself if he'd have picked up a STI.
He said that he's sorry and he has ended it with her now (she's a woman he apparently met at a meeting last year - super classy hey?) but I don't think I can forgive him, I know I should be putting baby first but to me she doesn't deserve to be around the tension that would be there if we stayed together, she is my life and I don't want her growing up around that.
Girls I'm distraught. I never thought I'd be sitting here crying my eyes out 5 weeks before giving birth because the love of my life has destroyed our family. This is supposed to be the most exciting time of our lives. How can somebody be so heartless? How am I going to cope with a baby and this?
He still wants to be at her birth which is fine and I'm not going to stop him, he is still her Dad at the end of the day and I'm not letting a problem between us affect their relationship. I'll just have to grin and bare it for her sake.
I just can't believe it. I feel like I've let her down, she's going to come home with just me and without her Dad but I just can't have him here. I feel like a bad Mum.
I've barely had any sleep and I feel drained. I'm trying my best to not get stressed or anything as I don't want her to come just yet as I still have a month to go, I don't want to put her under any stress either.
I've kicked him out, so I'm here by myself as I've not told anyone yet. I don't want drama as we've had enough of it already in this family the past few months.
I just can't wait until she's here, I need a cuddle from my baby xx