Thanks girls, been super busy getting things ready as she was early so I didn't have everything set up but it's all done now

We're also off to register her tomorrow

I got weighed this morning and I'm down to 13st9 which I can't believe!! Today we've been to the park, she slept the entire time lol.. and is sleeping now.. I'm breastfeeding and I'm struggling to get her to latch properly each time, she's getting milk but I'm concerned she's not getting enough. She seems happy and content after each feed though so I must be doing something right? Been looking for nursing pillows online to help me prop her up. I didn't get one beforehand as I wasn't planning on breastfeeding, it was a last minute decision. She's latched perfectly today though which is a start although my nipples are killing! Other than that though she's been perfect, almost too perfect really, maybe this is the calm before the storm?!

Not sure when I'll be on here next as this coming week is going to be full of family visits, I'll try to pop on when I can. Hope you are all good