Thanks for the lovely messages girls, we're both doing great.xx
Thanks Binks, her Daddy is here most days and goes home at night, meaning I have her all to myself at night which I'm lovingLucy is 2 weeks old tomorrow, it's flown by so fast!! Breastfeeding is going great, my health visitor gave me a few tips for latching and they've worked a treat. She did all the usual checks and she's fine. She's such a content/quiet baby, only cries when she's hungry (just like her Mum
) she's amazing and so alert now. I'm just so in love with her. Hope you are all good. Xxx <img src=""/>
I am so pleased you have found a way to work with her dad and I bet it is lovely having quality time on your own x
Glad she has helped make it easier for you and that she is doing well.
Lovely picture x
How you doing lovely xx
As I said earlier, it's been a busy few days. I had a horrible situation last night, Lucy was quite rowdy... wouldn't stop crying. I had to pop to Tesco and a few other places to get a few bits in so I had no choice but to take her with me in the car. Strapped her in and everything, all fine. I have one of those mirror things in the car facing her seat so I can see her through my mirror too. She'd been crying for about 20 minutes (I was trying everything, even put some soothing music/white noise on and nothing was working) then suddenly she stopped crying, just complete silence. I didn't think anything of it as I could see her in the mirror and she just looked asleep. Anyway I pulled into the car park and went to get her out and got no response, I put my finger in her mouth and she didn't suck or try to bite on it like she usually does. Put my hand under her nose and couldn't feel her breathing. I "shook" her (very gently) and nothing. Her arms were totally floppy and so were her legs, Omg girls I was frantic!! Screaming help all over the car park, I didn't know what to do... I had nobody else with me! A lady and man ran over to help me and she FINALLY responded after a lot of prodding and poking. She was obviously in a VERY deep sleep but god I was terrified. Even though nothing bad happened and thank god it turned out to be a false alarm, it's put me right off travelling on my own with her as that was the first time I'd been by myself as either my Mum or Ry are usually in the back with her. I'm already a paranoid mess when it comes to her safety and this hasn't helped. I'm so annoyed at myself for not pulling over when she suddenly stopped crying, I should have known and thought to check but I just thought she'd fallen asleep as she has a habit of doing it recently. Poor little love has scared the life out of me x
Omg that must have been so scary for youI wanna give you a big hug, honestly Hun know what you mean about going out on your own in the car, I'll tell you a secret apart from the 5 minute drive to my mums, I've only been out with Maisie on my own 3 times in a whole year, once to sainsburys and twice to drive Danny to the train station which is 30 mins away lol. X
Aww you will be fine, best to get used to leaving her now before it becomes even harder! I remember my first time leaving Maisie with my mum when I went out for a Chinese for one of my inlaws birthdays I was checking my phone every 5 mins lol!
Ooh date sounds exciting are you excited?u deserve some happiness Hun xx