Looking for a pregnancy buddy!

OMG we have a proper little group on here now!! Its nice to see it busy!!

Tamkat - you are doing great!! I hope I can do as well as you x

Welcome to Bluebox - what a lovely thing you are doing for your sister - im super close to my sisters and would do anything for either of them but you truly are going above and beyond :D xx

Daisy - I haven't been to the docs yet, I think down here you just fill in a form and hand it in at the reception and it gets passed to the midwives, might do it this afternoon (if I remember!) xx
Oh Missy we are quite close in terms of dates. This is my first so I'm being a bit eager...and it helps take my mind off being anxious for a 5 minutes.

Tamkat...I'm so impressed you're still in your skinnies at almost 28 weeks!
Daisy, I reckon I'm due end of July, will see what they say at 12 week scan. Both my girls were over 10lb and ended in c-sections. With Dd2 they had to break her arm to get her out as she was so big that she was wedged in :-(
really hoping that this time by keep fit and eating SW I might have a slightly smaller baby that I can deliver naturally xx
omg missy really that's sounds traumatic!! Well im not very keen on my midwife today lol she measured fundal height & its off the scale?? Really glad ive got a growth scan on the 12th because Im really not convinced my baby is particularly big in there & she measured way too far down in pubic region in my opinion & when I said 2 of my babies weighed 6.11 & 6.13 she seemed shocked and said im surprised you have 6lb babies as you are so "tall" hmm im 5ft 7 so hardly a giant so convinced she meant fat not tall! ahhh im so touchy I know blame the hormones!! xx
Tamkat I honestly wouldn't worry too much, I was measuring 42 weeks at 37 weeks apparently, they sent me for a growth scan and she was 'normal' size for me. If you have only had small babies before I doubt very much that you are suddenly going to produce a whopper!
With my first I measured as average all the way through and she was 10lb10 so there is no way of truly knowing, its all just 'best guess' xx
Oh yeah I wouldn't worry too much about fundal height and all that. Even growth scans are known to be pretty off, obviously some people get gestational diabetes which can cause a baby to grow very large but if you have had two lovely smaller babies I also don't think you would suddenly produce a large baby.

It will be interesting to see how big this baby will be. Both my boys have taken after their dad and were quite large (DS1 was 8lb 13oz and DS2 was 10lb 8oz). Obviously, genetically this is my brother in laws baby and he is pretty small, around 5ft 6in and smaller in build than my husband. I wonder if this baby will be smaller than my two.

Tamkat I am super impressed that you are still in your skinnies!!! I'm 10 weeks and had to loop a hair bobble through the button hole in my jeans and around the button the other day as I couldn't get them fastened LOL.
funny isn't it when its other people getting told you have big baby etc.. I always say "take no notice its very rarely accurate" but when its yourself it makes you over analyse.My last baby was 8lb 3 so bit bigger but a week overdue & I ate everything in sight with him & im not kidding either I just could not stop eating.My jeans do up under my bump & everytime I put them in the wash I think right that's it its the last time they will fit lol but I keep getting them on,they have prob been stretched a fair bit tbh xx
Missy I reckon I'm due early August. Your DD2's birth sounds really traumatic!

I'm carrying on with SW as my dad has Type 1 Diabetes and my maternal grandad has type 2...I know this can mean I'm more at risk of gestational diabetes. I am booked in with the midwife for the 23rd...seems forever away. Please can someone tell me that after 12 weeks it will start to go a bit quicker lol
Hi all! Sorry for the absence been a crazy few days!! Hope everyone is well.

Welcome Blue and Daisy, huge congratulations to you both! Blue what an amazing thing you are doing, so very special. Don't worry about boring us, it's very interesting to hear about it and really can't wait to hear how all the family react!

Today was scan day, just the one little baby....phew and I seen the little heartbeat

I also got weighed and I've only put on 1lb so am over the moon with that!!!

Official due date is June 20th but baby will be induced start of June.


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yay Jenn glad to hear from you was getting worried! Lovely scan pic did you look out for the nub? from what I can see its very flat & girly!! Although its just a theory anyway.Brilliant on 1lb on too bet you are chuffed to bits :) Hope the boys were thrilled when you told them the news xx
The boys are absolutely thrilled and can't wait to find out if it's a brother or sister. I think they'd all love a little sister. Find out the 28th of January which won't be long in coming round with Christmas coming fast. I'm so delighted with only putting on a pound I was expecting it to be much worse, to the point I was putting off weighing. The last time I weighed was 5 weeks ago.
Ah Jenn, congratulations...that a fantastic scan picture. How far along are you?

Just a 1lb gain is fantastic, well done. Hope I can follow in your successful footsteps!
Thank you it seems real now I have a little photo. I'm 11+5 weeks now.

How's everyone today?

I've just finished the Christmas shopping, love online shopping, with 5 boys to buy for it would be too hard going to the shops. Just some photo calandars to do now and of course wrap it all!

That's lovely Jenn. Wow I bet all those boys bring you lots of fun and mayhem lol. I don't blame you for shopping online, I've done the majority of mine that way as I can't stand going round the shops near Christmas.

I'm good today thanks. Feeling a bit sleepy but glad the cramps/twinges I was having seem to have stopped for now...I'm still very anxious though.
It is a very anxious time til you get your scan as you overanalyse everything. I think everyone is the same tho. I panicked until I got my scan that it was all in my head and I was just imagining I was pregnant, my friend is the very same. The tiredness is hard in the start, so rest when you can, I don't have that luxury anymore with all the boys around. X
Morning Ladies!

Its blimmin freezing down here at the mo! Have decided that im going to have to treat myself to a couple of nice warm jumper dresses and some decent thick leggings as all mine are wearing thin :-( my SIL gets her from Next and they are 20quid but they are so thick that you can wear shorter tops with them and you cant see through them at all - nothing worse than seeing others womens knickers as their leggings are see through!! Reckon they will be a good purchase as I get a bigger tummy as they can grow with me lol

Yesterday I went over syns as the MIL was pushing mince pies on everyone and I couldn't say no. So plan for today is:

Coffee and alpen light, combat class, banana. Lunch: Sesame ryvita with egg mayo and salad Dinner: Gammon steak, SW chips, grilled field mushroom and peas. Snacks will be fruit, yoghurt and a bag of quavers

Have a good day all xx
That sounds like a lovely meal plan. I'm so glad I don't like mince pies as my mum must be related to your MIL and tries to shove them down your neck as soon as you're through the door!

Oh I hate it when women wear thin leggings and just a top...you cant help but look! I always team mine with a dress or tunic so my bum (and knickers) are definitely covered. Jumper dresses sound lovely, it's freezing here too!
Morning everyone, hope everyone is well. We're officially telling people tomorrow so it won't be our secret anymore :)
Oh how exciting Jenn! Bet everyone will be so thrilled.

I weighed this morning and put on 4lbs. Not impressed but it's down to the celebrating me and DH did. Onwards and upwards though. I'm hoping to get under 17st before Xmas day...should be doable, I hope!