Hi lovelies
How are you all? I'll try catch up on diaries as much as I can as of now and throughout the evening when I get a spare 10 mins, anything interesting happened?
I'm going to enjoy this weekend then be back on plan 100000% on Monday!
I'm home!

we were so glad to be back in our own bed at 3:30 this morning! And now we have another night out of it, we bought a load of snide t shirts over there and are going to do a boot fair with my mum tomorrow morning down leysdowb to see how well we do, hoping to go back out there in 5/6weeks and fill up 2-4 suitcases to sell, hopefully then we'll be able to make up for the last few months not putting any money into our savings and if it all goes well the man we spoke to said he will send us pictures of what he has and shop them to us, fingers crossed!
We had a lovely time but have some very sad news, the day we got out there we found out I was pregnant, really wasn't expecting it all, just did the test to rule it out as my bikinis were white and pink apart from one and didn't want to have any accidents! But Tuesday I started bleeding. So I am going to the drs on Tuesday as that's no 3 now so they should start to investigate. We were very very sad but decided not to let it affect our holiday (as much as we could anyway)
We had a lot of problems at the airport too, computers broke down do was waiting 2 hrs just to check in and drop bags off, then they had 2 queues mixed up so we nearly all ended up on the wrong plane, then the flight was delayed by 40 minutes, then when we landed to air bridge broke down so we was waiting for 40 minutes before we could get off the plane, and I had a little girl sitting behind me on the flight talking to her dad about the plane crashing or landing in the sea or if it caught alight, I was not impressed as I hate flying! Then when we had collected our suitcases we got searched!
And to top it all off I have shattered my phone! Bloody wasp landed on my back and I **** myself and the phone just flew out of my hand!
What a cuffuffle! Lol.
I have a few pics on my phone but the rest are on camera so will post them when I've got them on the laptop etc.
Don't mind my shiny face, I hate the first picture!

(While we were away our baby had babies, she had 3 but one didn't make it, going to see them soon and get to look after them next weekend as got to stay at mums, they'll be crawling around by then too)