Hey pebbles! Glad the first step has been made with regards to getting some answers. Although it seems like 3-6 months is ages, it will pass quickly and it will be your turn before you know itThink about it this way it's only 3 more periods away
Bizarrely that used to help me.
Glad you enjoyed the moooovie but boo to being back at the inlays. Where do you and your sis have in mind for a wee holiday? xx
LOVE fajitas!!! I pack them so full
I have 3 kiddos who are 7, 5 (almost 6) and 3.
#1 was a very huge but very happy surprise. Lots of gynae probs told it was highly unlikely I'd conceive naturally. Had been on the pill for years so she was obviously meant to be
#2 tried for ages, found out I wasn't ovulating and was waiting to get put on clomid and possible iui. I did a random test the day before getting the treatment and it came up positive.
#3 tracked my cycle for a few months and then tried everything humanly possible to conceive and managed it first time.
Last 2 pregnancies were not easy due to the "issues" I had but I'm just so happy I was able to have them
I'm confident you'll get help love and remember there's always more than one way to go about things. Sometimes you just have to reevaluate and think outside the box.
Oo turkey, is that were you went not long ago? When are you going back? I'm jealous, I've only ever been abroad once. Hubby and I were talking the other day and I think we're going to brave taking the kids abroad next year, Lordy help us!
Oh hun hope your ok. Youre not on your own r u? Im on way to work but ill try and catch up with how your doing a bit later. Hugs. X
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Poor you that sounds horrible! Hope you've managed to get some good pain killers and are getting some rest xx
Hi ladies. Quick update while I have time, I'm currently sitting at the hospital (boo!) I had a bit of a dodgy belly through the night & this morning and from 4am have had excruciating belly cramps/spasms. It's a mixture of feeling between a knotting and stabbing. I really want to cry!! I used to get it a few yrs ago but they never found a cause but I don't remember it being this bad. What's everyone up to? Xx
Hi ladies. The dr has prescribed me antibiotics and took another sample, and gave me a pot to do another sample when I have finished antibiotics to see if it's cleared up, if not they will do further tests. Still doesn't explain the pain though! I've really fancied something naughty all day today, cookies or cakes or chocolate. But I've not given in. I bought some fabs for 4.5syns but don't fancy one if those anymore. Although it's much better than the 330cal doughnut I was going to buy! I'm absolutely shattered! Could have done with a red bull as well but I've just been drinking loads of water to try an flush my system out. Had a peep on the scales this am and still at 8st12lbs. Not a happy bunny! Can't see me getting anything off by tomorrowHere's today's foods Red Breakfast Raspberry sugar free jelly 0.5 2 scrambled eggs F Tbsp ketchup 1.0 Lunch 2 x great white bread 2 HEx B Tuna F Tbsp LTL mayo 0.5 Cucumber SF Red onion SF Sweetcorn SF Dinner Tacos 2 x taco shells 5.0 Extra Lean beef mince F 1/6th taco seasoning F 30g cheddar HEx A Lettuce SF Onion SF Cucumber SF Sweet chilli sauce 1.0 Garlic & onion dip 1.0 Other 3 pints water/NAS squash F Syns - 9 (72/105) Calories - 659 <img src="http://www.minimins.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=141675"/><img src="http://www.minimins.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=141676"/><img src="http://www.minimins.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=141677"/><img src="http://www.minimins.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=141678"/>