"The Stig" Pig
Aw no, poor you! I hope they get to the bottom of it soon.
Oh no. Do you think that you are eating something that is triggering it?
Aw no, poor you! I hope they get to the bottom of it soon.
Hi hun x
Im backbeen good initially, but past couple of days have been appalling! Need to have a good talk with myself, back on plan today & upping the exercise. Im going to ve doinv the 5:2 fasting too, I saw great results last time.
Hos are you feeling today hun? Any better? What are you doing today? Lis xx
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Hi Hun
I'm so glad you're back!
I think that's the best idea, no detoxing!
It was still bad this morning but seems ok now. Touch wood! I was at work, went home, prepped dinner, had a bath, fell asleep, had dinner, got dressed, went to the pub, went to shopping centre now going back to pub! Won't be out long though, hayfevers playing up and I feel like my left eye is about to burst lol.
What about you? Had a good day? Xx
Hi pebbles, I've been off plan this week and haven't been on here in a few days - have you tried calling the hospital regarding your appointment? It's really not fair for them to let you wait this long!
You've been doing so well and well done on your loss - I've just got some veg out to make soup for work as I know I've put on this week I'm so up and down all the time really abnoying
Hi Minnie No I haven't, if I haven't got my letter by weds I will do. We all have those weeks so I wouldn't worry, just draw a line under it and start afresh. I think I'm going to have to after today! I can feel the munch monster coming out hehe. But oh well, we can't not treat ourselves every now and then xxx
Exactly! I've just made some soup for work so hopefully that will be all the super free and free I need to turn this around!
Sometimes I really hate the nhs! My friend has had gallstones since Christmas and they weren't doing anything about it - I had enough last Friday and took her to a and e and was screaming in there for someone to help us she was rolling around in agony - her op is the 24th of this month!! Sometimes you have got to throw your toys out the pram and scream!! Some things are urgent but they don't see it like that we are all put in a que, I think yours is urgent so give them a ca to chase ASAP! Xx
NOT A HAPPY BUNNY! Just got up and started getting ready for work, eye is watering like a ***** and swollen and looks like I'm on drugs it's so bloodshot, also can't see out of a spot right in the middle so I told the MIL I'm not going in and she got all funny telling me my boss will ring me cos he won't be very happy as it looks like I'm just trying to get time off work. I said I'll try and go in later and I'll try and get a drs appointment if I can. This is bloody ridiculous, I knew yesterday she didn't believe me. Am I really going to lie about not being able to see properly and keep poking myself in the eye so it waters?!
Morning pebbles hope your eye a little better today. Could it be hayfever, pollen has been very high?
Have yourself a lovely day today.
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Argh your I'll you shouldn't be made to feel guilty about it! People at my work don't come in because they have a headache and I suffer really bad and still go in! It's all boll**
We have them the same, have a cold. I'm like are you f*cking kidding me?!?! I've been in before throwing up, migraine and all sorts. I think cos I've been I'll/had problems quite a lot lately doesn't make it look good, but I understand that. But they should know that I'm always up fir working, I do nearly every extra shift they throw at me etc. I think some people are "sicky" people (in a nice way, I am talking about myself too lol) and get I'll all the time and others are just lucky and never get ill. My MIL reckons she hasn't had a day off sick since starting work at 15. Jamie is very very rarely Ill too. I must just be unlucky lol x