Afternoon ladies.
Just taking five to have a quick catch up!
How is everyone doing?
Just 4 days until my 12 week scan

I'm so excited as as long as everything is ok I can then begin to get really excited (hopefully) and stop stressing as much!
I've started to eat a little more salady bits now and I'm eating at least an apple and banana a day so still getting some sf in there. But I've been a right pig with the wrong foods! Still at 8st6lb though so I shouldn't grumble, I'm sure the weight will start piling on soon!
I'm in need of a little bit of advice, as you know I work the MIL and SIL, long story short the MIL asked me the other day if I'm pregnant, I was so shocked it was out of the blue right in the middle of a conversation I sort of just froze which gave it away, anyway, she said the SIL asked her to ask and I said we don't want anyone knowing until I'm ready for obvious reasons, I can't even enjoy it yet and I'm worrying enough as it is so I don't need her giving me shxt about it... I'm petrified she is still going to tell her which will cause HUGE rows and possibly mean she won't talk to me or Jamie, which I'm not particularly bothered about but she is Jamie's sister.... I found out today that she has been *****ing about me at work apparently saying that I have got some sort if hold over the MIL, she knows I'm pregnant even if I do t admit it and if she finds out the MIL knew she will never speak to her again... And some more but this is long enough!
So, I was wondering firstly, should I pray the MIL doesn't tell her and hope that she doesn't skip up when it does all come out, should I tell the MIL what she said which could go either way - 1: she tells her she knows which could cause a huge family feud or 2: she could tell her because she wouldn't want her daughter not to talk to her.
And secondly, although I am "family" or as good as, does confidentiality still come into it? I told her at work, and I don't want or need it coming out which I'm 99% sure it would if the SIL found out, or would it just be shrugged off as I am part of the family?
I would REALLY REALLY appreciate any help/advice ladies. I'm stressing right now and have just 2hrs to decide what to say or do before the MIL finishes work.